
context("testing isPrimeRcpp")

test_that("isPrimeRcpp generates correct numbers", {
    options(scipen = 999)
    expect_equal(isPrimeRcpp(10), FALSE)
    expect_equal(isPrimeRcpp(c(999983, 10^6)), c(TRUE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(isPrimeRcpp(1), FALSE)
    expect_equal(all(isPrimeRcpp(c(2,3,5,7,11))), TRUE)
    expect_equal(1e10 + which(isPrimeRcpp((1e10 + 1):(1e10 + 1e4))), primeSieve(1e10, 1e10 + 1e4))
    expect_equal(isPrimeRcpp(11:13), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))


    ## Test Names
    expect_equal(as.integer(names(isPrimeRcpp(100, namedVector = TRUE))), 100)
    expect_equal(as.numeric(names(isPrimeRcpp((10^12):(10^12 + 100),
                                                 namedVector = TRUE))), (10^12):(10^12 + 100))

    expect_equal(10000L + which(isPrimeRcpp(10001:15000)), primeSieve(10001, 15000))
    expect_equal(1e10 + which(isPrimeRcpp((1e10 + 1):(1e10 + 5000))), primeSieve(1e10, 1e10 + 5000))

    ## Test Parallel
    samp <- sample(1e12, 10000)
    expect_equal(isPrimeRcpp(samp), isPrimeRcpp(samp, nThreads = 2))

    ## Ensure stdThreadMax returns positive number
    expect_true(stdThreadMax() > 0)

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