
Defines functions hnsw_search hnsw_build hnsw_knn

Documented in hnsw_build hnsw_knn hnsw_search

#' Find Nearest Neighbors and Distances
#' A k-nearest neighbor algorithm using the hnswlib library
#' (<https://github.com/nmslib/hnswlib>).
#' @section Hnswlib Parameters:
#' Some details on the parameters used for index construction and search, based
#' on <https://github.com/nmslib/hnswlib/blob/master/ALGO_PARAMS.md>:
#' * `M` Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each
#'   element during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at
#'   the expense of memory consumption, which is around `M * 8-10` bytes
#'   per bytes per stored element. High intrinsic dimensionalities will require
#'   higher values of `M`. A range of `2 - 100` is typical, but
#'   `12 - 48` is ok for most use cases.
#' * `ef_construction` Size of the dynamic list used during
#'   construction. A larger value means a better quality index, but increases
#'   build time. Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the
#'   dataset. A typical range is `100 - 2000`. Beyond a certain point,
#'   increasing `ef_construction` has no effect. A sufficient value of
#'   `ef_construction` can be determined by searching with `ef =
#'   ef_construction`, and ensuring that the recall is at least 0.9.
#' * `ef` Size of the dynamic list used during index search. Can
#'   differ from `ef_construction` and be any value between `k` (the
#'   number of neighbors sought) and the number of elements in the index being
#'   searched.
#' @param X A numeric matrix of `n` items to search for neighbors. If
#'   `byrow = TRUE` (the default) then each row of `X` stores an item to be
#'   searched. Otherwise, each item should be stored in the columns of `X`.
#' @param k Number of neighbors to return.
#' @param distance Type of distance to calculate. One of:
#' * `"l2"` Squared L2, i.e. squared Euclidean.
#' * `"euclidean"` Euclidean.
#' * `"cosine"` Cosine.
#' * `"ip"` Inner product: 1 - sum(ai * bi), i.e. the cosine distance
#'   where the vectors are not normalized. This can lead to negative distances
#'   and other non-metric behavior.
#' @param M Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element
#'   during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the
#'   expense of memory consumption. Typical values are `2 - 100`, but
#'   for most datasets a range of `12 - 48` is suitable. Can't be smaller
#'   than 2.
#' @param ef_construction Size of the dynamic list used during construction.
#'   A larger value means a better quality index, but increases build time.
#'   Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the dataset.
#' @param ef Size of the dynamic list used during search. Higher values lead
#'   to improved recall at the expense of longer search time. Can take values
#'   between `k` and the size of the dataset and may be greater or smaller
#'   than `ef_construction`. Typical values are `100 - 2000`.
#' @param verbose If `TRUE`, log messages to the console.
#' @param progress defunct and has no effect.
#' @param n_threads Maximum number of threads to use. The exact number is
#'   determined by `grain_size`.
#' @param grain_size Minimum amount of work to do (rows in `X` to add or
#'   search for) per thread. If the number of rows in `X` isn't sufficient,
#'   then fewer than `n_threads` will be used. This is useful in cases
#'   where the overhead of context switching with too many threads outweighs
#'   the gains due to parallelism.
#' @param byrow if `TRUE` (the default), this indicates that the items to be
#'   processed in `X` are stored in each row of `X`. Otherwise, the items are
#'   stored in the columns of `X`. Storing items in each column reduces the
#'   overhead of copying data to a form that can be used by the `hnsw`
#'   library. Note that if `byrow = FALSE`, any matrices returned from this
#'   function will also store the items by column.
#' @return a list containing:
#'   * `idx` a matrix containing the nearest neighbor indices.
#'   * `dist` a matrix containing the nearest neighbor distances.
#' The dimensions of the matrices respect the storage (row or column-based) of
#' `X` as indicated by the `byrow` parameter. If `byrow = TRUE` (the default)
#' each row of `idx` and `dist` contain the neighbor information for the item
#' passed in the equivalent row of `X`, i.e. the dimensions are `n x k` where
#' `n` is the number of items in `X`. If `byrow = FALSE`, then each column of
#' `idx` and `dist` contain the neighbor  information for the item passed in
#' the equivalent column of `X`, i.e. the dimensions are `k x n`.
#' Every item in the dataset is considered to be a neighbor of itself, so the
#' first neighbor of item `i` should always be `i` itself. If that isn't the
#' case, then any of `M`, `ef_construction` or `ef` may need increasing.
#' @examples
#' iris_nn_data <- hnsw_knn(as.matrix(iris[, -5]), k = 10)
#' @references
#' Malkov, Y. A., & Yashunin, D. A. (2016).
#' Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical
#' Navigable Small World graphs.
#' *arXiv preprint* *arXiv:1603.09320*.
hnsw_knn <- function(X,
                     k = 10,
                     distance = "euclidean",
                     M = 16,
                     ef_construction = 200,
                     ef = 10,
                     verbose = FALSE,
                     progress = "bar",
                     n_threads = 0,
                     grain_size = 1,
                     byrow = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(n_threads) &&
    length(n_threads) == 1 && n_threads >= 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(grain_size) &&
    length(grain_size) == 1 && grain_size >= 0)

  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    stop("X must be matrix")
  if (M < 2) {
    stop("M cannot be < 2")
  ef_construction <- max(ef_construction, k)

  max_k <- nrow(X)
  if (k > max_k) {
    stop("k cannot be larger than ", max_k)
  distance <-
    match.arg(distance, c("l2", "euclidean", "cosine", "ip"))

  ann <- hnsw_build(
    X = X,
    distance = distance,
    M = M,
    ef = ef_construction,
    verbose = verbose,
    progress = progress,
    n_threads = n_threads,
    grain_size = grain_size,
    byrow = byrow
    X = X,
    ann = ann,
    k = k,
    ef = ef,
    verbose = verbose,
    progress = progress,
    n_threads = n_threads,
    grain_size = grain_size,
    byrow = byrow

#' Build an hnswlib nearest neighbor index
#' @param X A numeric matrix of data to search for neighbors. If `byrow = TRUE`
#'   (the default) then each row of `X` is an item to be searched. Otherwise,
#'   each item should be stored in the columns of `X`.
#' @param distance Type of distance to calculate. One of:
#'   * `"l2"` Squared L2, i.e. squared Euclidean.
#'   * `"euclidean"` Euclidean.
#'   * `"cosine"` Cosine.
#'   * `"ip"` Inner product: 1 - sum(ai * bi), i.e. the cosine distance
#'   where the vectors are not normalized. This can lead to negative distances
#'   and other non-metric behavior.
#' @param M Controls the number of bi-directional links created for each element
#'   during index construction. Higher values lead to better results at the
#'   expense of memory consumption. Typical values are `2 - 100`, but
#'   for most datasets a range of `12 - 48` is suitable. Can't be smaller
#'   than 2.
#' @param ef Size of the dynamic list used during construction.
#'   A larger value means a better quality index, but increases build time.
#'   Should be an integer value between 1 and the size of the dataset.
#' @param verbose If `TRUE`, log messages to the console.
#' @param progress defunct and has no effect.
#' @param n_threads Maximum number of threads to use. The exact number is
#'   determined by `grain_size`.
#' @param grain_size Minimum amount of work to do (rows in `X` to add) per
#'   thread. If the number of rows in `X` isn't sufficient, then fewer than
#'   `n_threads` will be used. This is useful in cases where the overhead
#'   of context switching with too many threads outweighs the gains due to
#'   parallelism.
#' @param byrow if `TRUE` (the default), this indicates that the items in `X`
#'   to be indexed are stored in each row. Otherwise, the items are stored in
#'   the columns of `X`. Storing items in each column reduces the overhead of
#'   copying data to a form that can be indexed by the `hnsw` library.
#' @return an instance of a `HnswL2`, `HnswCosine` or `HnswIp` class.
#' @examples
#' irism <- as.matrix(iris[, -5])
#' ann <- hnsw_build(irism)
#' iris_nn <- hnsw_search(irism, ann, k = 5)
hnsw_build <- function(X,
                       distance = "euclidean",
                       M = 16,
                       ef = 200,
                       verbose = FALSE,
                       progress = "bar",
                       n_threads = 0,
                       grain_size = 1,
                       byrow = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(n_threads) &&
    length(n_threads) == 1 && n_threads >= 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(grain_size) &&
    length(grain_size) == 1 && grain_size >= 0)

  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    stop("X must be matrix")
  if (M < 2) {
    stop("M cannot be < 2")
  distance <-
    match.arg(distance, c("l2", "euclidean", "cosine", "ip"))

  if (byrow) {
    nitems <- nrow(X)
    ndim <- ncol(X)
  } else {
    nitems <- ncol(X)
    ndim <- nrow(X)
  clazz <- switch(distance,
    "l2" = RcppHNSW::HnswL2,
    "euclidean" = RcppHNSW::HnswL2,
    "cosine" = RcppHNSW::HnswCosine,
    "ip" = RcppHNSW::HnswIp
  # Create the indexing object. You must say up front the number of items that
  # will be stored (nitems).
  ann <- methods::new(clazz, ndim, nitems, M, ef)

  if (distance == "euclidean") {
    attr(ann, "distance") <- "euclidean"

    "Building HNSW index with metric '",
    " ef = ",
    " M = ",
    " using ",
    " threads"

  if (byrow) {
  } else {

  tsmessage("Finished building index")

#' Search an hnswlib nearest neighbor index
#' @param X A numeric matrix of data to search for neighbors. If `byrow = TRUE`
#'   (the default) then each row of `X` is an item to be searched. Otherwise,
#'   each item should be stored in the columns of `X`.
#' @param ann an instance of a `HnswL2`, `HnswCosine` or `HnswIp`
#'   class.
#' @param k Number of neighbors to return. This can't be larger than the number
#'   of items that were added to the index `ann`. To check the size of the
#'   index, call `ann$size()`.
#' @param ef Size of the dynamic list used during search. Higher values lead
#'   to improved recall at the expense of longer search time. Can take values
#'   between `k` and the size of the dataset. Typical values are
#'   `100 - 2000`.
#' @param verbose If `TRUE`, log messages to the console.
#' @param progress defunct and has no effect.
#' @param n_threads Maximum number of threads to use. The exact number is
#'   determined by `grain_size`.
#' @param grain_size Minimum amount of work to do (items in `X` to search)
#'   per thread. If the number of items in `X` isn't sufficient, then fewer
#'   than `n_threads` will be used. This is useful in cases where the
#'   overhead of context switching with too many threads outweighs the gains due
#'   to parallelism.
#' @param byrow if `TRUE` (the default), this indicates that the items to be
#'   searched in `X` are stored in each row of `X`. Otherwise, the items are
#'   stored in the columns of `X`. Storing items in each column reduces the
#'   overhead of copying data to a form that can be searched by the `hnsw`
#'   library. Note that if `byrow = FALSE`, any matrices returned from this
#'   function will also store the items by column.
#' @return a list containing:
#'   * `idx` a matrix containing the nearest neighbor indices.
#'   * `dist` a matrix containing the nearest neighbor distances.
#' The dimensions of the matrices respect the storage (row or column-based) of
#' `X` as indicated by the `byrow` parameter. If `byrow = TRUE` (the default)
#' each row of `idx` and `dist` contain the neighbor information for the item
#' passed in the equivalent row of `X`, i.e. the dimensions are `n x k` where
#' `n` is the number of items in `X`. If `byrow = FALSE`, then each column of
#' `idx` and `dist` contain the neighbor  information for the item passed in
#' the equivalent column of `X`, i.e. the dimensions are `k x n`.
#' Every item in the dataset is considered to be a neighbor of itself, so the
#' first neighbor of item `i` should always be `i` itself. If that isn't the
#' case, then any of `M` or `ef` may need increasing.
#' @examples
#' irism <- as.matrix(iris[, -5])
#' ann <- hnsw_build(irism)
#' iris_nn <- hnsw_search(irism, ann, k = 5)
hnsw_search <-
           ef = 10,
           verbose = FALSE,
           progress = "bar",
           n_threads = 0,
           grain_size = 1,
           byrow = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n_threads) &&
      length(n_threads) == 1 && n_threads >= 0)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(grain_size) &&
      length(grain_size) == 1 && grain_size >= 0)

    if (!is.matrix(X)) {
      stop("X must be matrix")

    ef <- max(ef, k)

      "Searching HNSW index with ef = ",
      " and ",
      " threads"

    if (byrow) {
      res <- ann$getAllNNsList(X, k, TRUE)
    } else {
      res <- ann$getAllNNsListCol(X, k, TRUE)

    dist <- res$distance
    if (!is.null(attr(ann, "distance")) &&
      attr(ann, "distance") == "euclidean") {
      dist <- sqrt(dist)

    tsmessage("Finished searching")
    list(idx = res$item, dist = dist)

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RcppHNSW documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 9:06 a.m.