anova.Renouv | Compute an analysis of deviance table for two nested Renouv... |
barplotRenouv | Barplot for Renouv "Over Threshold" counts |
Brest | Surge heights at Brest |
Brest.years | Surge heights at Brest partial data |
Brest.years.missing | Years with missing periods in 'Brest.year' dataset |
CV2 | Squared Coefficient of Variation |
CV2.test | CV2 test of exponentiality |
Dunkerque | Surge heights at Dunkerque |
EM.mixexp | Expectation-Maximisation for a mixture of exponential... |
expplot | Classical "exponential distribution" plot |
fgamma | ML estimation of the Gamma distribution |
fGEV.MAX | Fit a GEV distribution from block maxima or r largest order... |
fGPD | Fit a two-parameters Generalised Pareto Distribution from a... |
flomax | ML estimation of the Lomax distribution |
fmaxlo | ML estimation of a 'maxlo' distribution |
fweibull | ML estimation of classical Weibull distribution |
Garonne | Flow of the french river La Garonne |
gev2Ren | Translate a vector of GEV parameters into renewal model | | Goodness-of-fit for the distribution of dates |
gofExp.test | Goodness-of-fit test for exponential distribution |
GPD | Generalised Pareto Distribution |
gumbel2Ren | Translate a vector of Gumbel parameters into a vector of... |
Hpoints | Plotting positions for exponential return levels |
iniMAX | Initial estimation of GPD parameters for an aggregated... |
ini.mixexp2 | Simple estimation for the mixture of two exponential... |
interevt | Interevents (or interarrivals) from events dates |
Jackson | Jackson's statistic |
Jackson.test | Jackson's test of exponentiality |
logLik.Renouv | Log-likelihood of a "Renouv" object |
Lomax | Lomax distribution |
LRExp | Likelihood Ratio statistic for exponential vs. GPD |
LRExp.test | Likelihood Ratio test of exponentiality vs. GPD |
LRGumbel | Likelihood Ratio statistic for Gumbel vs. GEV |
LRGumbel.test | Likelihood Ratio test for the Gumbel distribution |
Maxlo | 'maxlo' distribution |
MixExp2 | Mixture of two exponential distributions |
mom2par | Parameters from moments |
mom.mixexp2 | Moment estimation for the mixture of two exponential... |
NBlevy | Negative Binomial Levy process |
OT2MAX | Temporal aggregation of a Marked Process |
OTjitter | Add a small amount of noise to a numeric vector |
parDeriv | Derivation of probability functions with respect to the... |
pGreenwood1 | Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than... |
plot.Rendata | Plot a Rendata object |
plot.Renouv | Plot an object of class "Renouv" |
PPplot | Diagnostic plots for Renouv objects |
predict.Renouv | Compute return levels and confidence limits for a "Renouv"... |
qStat | Quantiles of a test statistic |
readXML | Read data using an XML index file |
Ren2gev | Translate a vector of coefficients from a Renewal-POT model... |
Ren2gumbel | Translate a vector of coefficients from a Renewal-POT model... |
Renext-package | Renewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation |
Renouv | Fit a 'Renouvellement' model |
RenouvNoEst | Define a 'renouvellement' model without estimation |
RLlegend | Legend management for return level plots |
RLpar | Graphical parameters for Return Level plots |
RLplot | Return level plot |
roundPred | Round quantiles in a pseudo-prediction table |
rRendata | Simulate a random RenData object |
SandT | Compute empirical survivals (S) and return periods (T) |
skip2noskip | Fix non-skipped periods from skipped ones |
SLTW | Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution |
spacings | Methods computing spacings between Largest Order Statistics |
summary.Rendata | Summary and print methods for "Rendata" objects |
summary.Renouv | Summary and print methods for "Renouv" objects |
translude | Make translucient colors |
vcov.Renouv | Variance-covariance matrix of the estimates of a "Renouv"... |
weibplot | Classical Weibull distribution plot |
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