Man pages for Renvlp
Computing Envelope Estimators

amitriptylineAmitriptyline Data
BerkeleyBerkeley Guidance Study Data
boot.envBootstrap for env
boot.env.apweightsBootstrap for env.apweights
boot.env.tcondBootstrap for env.tcond
boot.epplsBootstrap for eppls
boot.genvBootstrap for genv
boot.henvBootstrap for henv
boot.logit.envBootstrap for logit.env
boot.penvBootstrap for penv
boot.pois.envBootstrap for pois.env
boot.rrenvBootstrap for rrenv
boot.rrenv.apweightsBootstrap for rrenv.apweights
boot.senvBootstrap for senv
boot.stenvBootstrap for stenv
boot.sxenvBootstrap for sxenv
boot.xenvBootstrap for xenv
concreteConcrete Slump Test Dataset
cv.envCross validation for env
cv.env.apweightsCross validation for env.apweights
cv.env.tcondCross validation for env.tcond
cv.epplsCross validation for peplos
cv.genvCross validation for genv
cv.henvCross validation for henv
cv.logit.envCross validation for logit.env
cv.penvCross validation for penv
cv.pois.envCross validation for pois.env
cv.rrenvCross validation for rrenv
cv.rrenv.apweightsCross validation for rrenv.apweights
cv.senvCross validation for senv
cv.stenvCross validation for stenv
cv.sxenvCross validation for sxenv
cv.xenvCross validation for xenv
d.selectSelect the rank of beta
envFit the response envelope model
env.apweightsFit the envelope model with nonconstant variance
env.tcondFit the envelope model with t-distributed errors
epplsFit the Envelope-based Partial Partial Least Squares model
felmdirFit the functional envelope linear model
felmKLFit the functional envelope linear model
fiberpaperPulp and Paper Data
genvFit the groupwise envelope model
henvFit the heteroscedastic envelope model
horseshoecrabHorseshoe Crab Data
logit.envFit the envelope model in logistic regression
NJdataNew Jersey Open Covid-19 Dataset
penvFit the partial envelope model
pois.envFit the envelope model in poisson regression
pred2.envEstimation or prediction for env
pred.envEstimation or prediction for env
pred.env.apweightsEstimation or prediction for env.apweights
pred.env.tcondEstimation or prediction for env.tcond
pred.epplsEstimation or prediction for eppls
pred.felmdirEstimation or prediction for felmdir
pred.felmKLEstimation or prediction for felmKL
pred.genvEstimation or prediction for genv
pred.henvEstimation or prediction for henv
pred.logit.envEstimation or prediction for logit.env
pred.penvEstimation or prediction for penv
pred.pois.envEstimation or prediction for pois.env
pred.rrenvEstimation or prediction for rrenv
pred.rrenv.apweightsEstimation or prediction for rrenv.apweights
pred.senvEstimation or prediction for senv
pred.stenvEstimation or prediction for stenv
pred.sxenvEstimation or prediction for sxenv
pred.xenvEstimation or prediction for xenv
RenvlpComputing Envelope Estimators
rrenvFit the reduced-rank envelope model
rrenv.apweightsFit the reduced-rank envelope model with nonconstant variance
salesSales staff Data
senvFit the scaled response envelope model
stenvFit the simultaneous envelope model
sxenvFit the scaled predictor envelope model
testcoef.envHypothesis test of the coefficients of the response envelope...
testcoef.env.apweightsHypothesis test of the coefficients of the response envelope...
testcoef.env.tcondHypothesis test of the coefficients of the response envelope...
testcoef.genvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the groupwise envelope...
testcoef.henvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the heteroscedastic...
testcoef.logit.envHypothesis test of the coefficients of the envelope model
testcoef.penvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the partial envelope...
testcoef.pois.envHypothesis test of the coefficients of the envelope model
testcoef.rrenvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the reduced rank...
testcoef.rrenv.apweightsHypothesis test of the coefficients of the reduced rank...
testcoef.senvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the scaled response...
testcoef.stenvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the simultaneous...
testcoef.sxenvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the scaled predictor...
testcoef.xenvHypothesis test of the coefficients of the predictor envelope...
u.envSelect the dimension of env
u.env.apweightsSelect the dimension of env.apweights
u.env.tcondSelect the dimension of env.tcond
u.epplsSelect the dimension of eppls
u.felmdirFind the envelope dimensions in the functional envelope...
u.felmKLFind the envelope dimensions in the functional envelope...
u.genvSelect the dimension of genv
u.henvSelect the dimension of henv
u.logit.envSelect the dimension of logit.env
u.penvSelect the dimension of penv
u.pois.envSelect the dimension of pois.env
u.pred2.envSelect the dimension of the constructed partial envelope for...
u.rrenvSelect the dimension of rrenv
u.rrenv.apweightsSelect the dimension of rrenv.apweights
u.senvSelect the dimension of senv
u.stenvSelect the dimension of stenv
u.sxenvSelect the dimension of sxenv
u.xenvSelect the dimension of xenv
vehiclesAutomobile Dataset
waterstriderWater strider data
weighted.envWeighted response envelope estimator
weighted.penvWeighted partial envelope estimator
weighted.pred.envEstimation or prediction using weighted partial envelope
weighted.xenvWeighted predictor envelope estimator
wheatproteinWheat Protein Data
xenvFit the predictor envelope model
Renvlp documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:06 a.m.