
Defines functions .powerSignificanceInterim_

.powerSignificanceInterim_ <- function(
  c = 1,
  f = 1/2,
  level = 0.025,
  designPrior = c("conditional", "informed predictive", "predictive"),
  analysisPrior = c("flat", "original"),
  alternative = c("one.sided", "two.sided"),
  shrinkage = 0) {

              length(zo) > 0,

              length(zi) > 0,

              length(c) > 0,
              0 <= c,

              length(f) > 0,
              0 <= f, f <= 1,

              length(level) > 0,
              0 < level, level < 1,


    designPrior <- match.arg(designPrior)

    analysisPrior <- match.arg(analysisPrior)

    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

              length(shrinkage) > 0,
              0 <= shrinkage, shrinkage < 1)

  s <- 1 - shrinkage

  v <- p2z(p = level, alternative = alternative)
  if (sign(zo) == -1) zi <- (-1) * zi # revert the signs when zo is neg

  zos <- s * abs(zo)

  if (designPrior == "conditional") {
    if (analysisPrior == "flat") {
      pSig <- stats::pnorm(zos * sqrt(c * (1 - f)) + zi * sqrt(f) / (sqrt(1 - f)) -
                      sqrt(1 / (1 - f)) * v)
    } else if (analysisPrior == "original") {
      return(NA) ## For now, we are not interested in the case where the design prior is conditional and the analysis prior normal.

  if (designPrior == "informed predictive") {
    if (analysisPrior == "flat") {
      term1 <- sqrt(((1 - f) * c) / ((c * f + 1) * (1 + c))) * zos
      term2 <- sqrt(f * (1 + c) / ((1 - f) * (c * f + 1))) * zi
      term3 <- sqrt((c * f + 1) / ((1 + c) * (1 - f))) * v
      pSig <- stats::pnorm(term1 + term2 - term3)
    } else if (analysisPrior == "original") {
      term1 <- sqrt(1 + (c * (1 - f) / (c * f + 1))) *
        sqrt(1 / (c * (1 - f))) * zos
      term2 <- sqrt(1 + (c * (1 - f) / (c * f + 1))) * sqrt(f / (1 - f))  *  zi
      term3 <- sqrt((c * f + 1) / (c * (1 - f))) * v
      pSig <- stats::pnorm(term1 + term2 - term3)

  if (designPrior == "predictive") {
    if (analysisPrior == "flat") {
      pSig <- stats::pnorm((zi - sqrt(f) * v) / sqrt(1 - f))
    } else if (analysisPrior == "original") {

#' Interim power of a replication study
#' Computes the power of a replication study taking into account data from an interim analysis.
#' @param zo Numeric vector of z-values from original studies.
#' @param zi Numeric vector of z-values from interim analyses of replication studies.
#' @param c Numeric vector of variance ratios of the original and replication effect estimates.
#' This is usually the ratio of the sample size of the replication study to the sample
#' size of the original study. Default is 1.
#' @param f Fraction of the replication study already completed. Default is 0.5.
#' @param level Significance level. Default is 0.025.
#' @param designPrior Either "conditional" (default), "informed predictive", or "predictive".
#' "informed predictive" refers to an informative normal prior coming from the original study.
#' "predictive" refers to a flat prior.
#' @param analysisPrior Either "flat" (default) or "original".
#' @param alternative Either "one.sided" (default) or "two.sided".
#' Specifies if the significance level is one-sided or two-sided.
#' @details This is an extension of \code{powerSignificance()} and adapts the `interim power'
#' from section 6.6.3 of Spiegelhalter et al. (2004) to the setting of replication studies.
#' @param shrinkage Numeric vector with values in [0,1). Defaults to 0.
#' Specifies the shrinkage of the original effect estimate towards zero, e.g.,
#' the effect is shrunken by a factor of 25\% for \code{shrinkage=0.25}.
#' @details \code{powerSignificanceInterim} is the vectorized version of
#'  \code{.powerSignificanceInterim_}.
#' \code{\link[base]{Vectorize}} is used to vectorize the function.
#' @return The probability of statistical significance in the specified direction
#' at the end of the replication study given the data collected so far
#' in the replication study.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sampleSizeSignificance}}, \code{\link{powerSignificance}}
#' @references Spiegelhalter, D. J., Abrams, K. R., and Myles, J. P. (2004).
#' Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care
#' Evaluation, volume 13. John Wiley & Sons
#' Micheloud, C., Held, L. (2022). Power Calculations for Replication Studies.
#' \emph{Statistical Science}, \bold{37}, 369-379.
#' \doi{10.1214/21-STS828}
#' @author Charlotte Micheloud
#' @examples
#' powerSignificanceInterim(zo = 2, zi = 2, c = 1, f = 1/2,
#'                          designPrior = "conditional",
#'                          analysisPrior = "flat")
#' powerSignificanceInterim(zo = 2, zi = 2, c = 1, f = 1/2,
#'                          designPrior = "informed predictive",
#'                          analysisPrior = "flat")
#' powerSignificanceInterim(zo = 2, zi = 2, c = 1, f = 1/2,
#'                          designPrior = "predictive",
#'                          analysisPrior = "flat")
#' powerSignificanceInterim(zo = 2, zi = -2, c = 1, f = 1/2,
#'                          designPrior = "conditional",
#'                          analysisPrior = "flat")
#' powerSignificanceInterim(zo = 2, zi = 2, c = 1, f = 1/2,
#'                          designPrior = "conditional",
#'                          analysisPrior = "flat",
#'                          shrinkage = 0.25)
#' @export
powerSignificanceInterim <- Vectorize(.powerSignificanceInterim_)

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