Man pages for RevGadgets
Visualization and Post-Processing of 'RevBayes' Analyses

calculateShiftBayesFactorBayes Factors in support of a shift in diversification rates...
colFunColor Function
combineTracesCombine traces
densiTreeWithBranchDataDensiTree-style plot with branch-specific data
geom_stepribbonplot geom stepribbon for diversification rates
getMAPget MAP
matchNodesmatch Nodes
plotAncStatesMAPplot Ancestral States MAP
plotAncStatesPieplot Ancestral States Pie
plotDiversityOBDPPlot Diversity Distribution from OBDP Analysis
plotDivRatesPlot Diversification Rates
plotFBDTreePlot FBD tree
plotMassExtinctionsPlot Mass Extinction Support
plotPopSizesPlot Population Sizes
plotPostPredStatsplot Posterior Predictive Statistics
plotTracePlot trace
plotTreePlot tree
plotTreeFullPlot Full tree
posteriorSamplesToParametricPriorPriors from MCMC samples
processAncStatesProcess Ancestral States
processDivRatesProcess Diversification Rates
processPopSizesProcess Population Sizes
processPostPredStatsprocess Posterior Predictive Statistics
readOBDPRead OBDP Outputs
readTraceRead trace
readTreesRead trees
removeBurninRemove Burnin
rerootPhyloReroot Phylo
setMRFGlobalScaleHyperpriorNShiftsSets a global scale parameter for a GMRF or HSMRF model given...
simulateMRFSimulates a single Markov random field trajectory.
summarizeTraceSummarize trace
RevGadgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.