rerootPhylo: Reroot Phylo

View source: R/rerootPhylo.R

rerootPhyloR Documentation

Reroot Phylo


Reroots a phylogeny given an outgroup taxon or clade


rerootPhylo(tree, outgroup)



(list of lists of treedata objects; no default) Name of a list of lists of treedata objects, such as produced by readTrees().


(character, no default) Name of the outgroup(s). Either a single taxon name or a character vector of length two to specify a clade; in this case the root will be placed at the midpoint of the branch subtending the two taxa's MRCA. Modified from phytools::reroot().


Modifies a tree object by rerooting using a specified outgroup taxon or clade. Places the root at the midpoint of the branch subtending the outgroup. If the input contains multiple trees, all trees will be rerooted.


returns a list of list of treedata objects, with the trees rooted.

See Also

phytools: reroot.


file <- system.file("extdata",
tree <- readTrees(paths = file)
# root with one taxon
tree_rooted <- rerootPhylo(tree = tree, outgroup = "Galeopterus_variegatus")
# root with clade, specified by two taxa
tree_rooted <- rerootPhylo(tree = tree,
                           outgroup = c("Varecia_variegata_variegata",

RevGadgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.