floyd: Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest paths in a directed...

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Floyd-Warshall algorithmR Documentation

Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest paths in a directed graph


Floyd-Warshall algorithm for shortest paths in a directed graph.





The adjacency matrix of a directed graph. A positive number (including) in x[i, j] indicates that there is an arrow from i to j and it also shows the cost of going from i to j. Hence, the algorithm will find not only the shortest path but also the with the smallest cost. A value of NA means that there is no path. Put positive number only, as negative will cause problems.


The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is designed to find the shortest path (if it exists) between two nodes in a graph.


A matrix, say z, with 0 and positive numbers. The elements denote the length of the shortest path between each pair of points. If z[i, j] is zero it means that there is no cost from i to j. If z[i, j] has a positive value it means that the length of going from i to j is equal to that value.


John Burkardt (C++ code)

Ported into R and documentation: Manos Papadakis <papadakm95@gmail.com>.


Floyd, Robert W. (1962). Algorithm 97: Shortest Path. Communications of the ACM. 5(6): 345.

Warshall, Stephen (1962). A theorem on Boolean matrices. Journal of the ACM. 9 (1): 11-12.


See Also

colSort, rowSort


x <- matrix(NA, 10, 10)
x[sample(1:100, 10)] <- rpois(10, 3)

Rfast documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:06 p.m.