ttest: Many one sample tests

View source: R/ttest_related_functions.R

Many one sample testsR Documentation

Many one sample tests


Many one sample tests.


proptest(x, n, p, alternative = "unequal", logged = FALSE) 
ttest(x, m, alternative = "unequal", logged = FALSE, conf = NULL)
vartest(x, sigma, alternative = "unequal", logged = FALSE, conf = NULL) 



A matrix with numerical data. Each column of the matrix corresponds to a sample, or a group. In the case of the "proptest" this is a vector integers ranging from 0 up to n. It is the number of "successes".


This is for the "proptest" only and is a vector with integer numbers specifying the number of tries for the proptest. Its size is equal to the size of x.


A vector with the assumed probabilities of success in the "proptest". Its size is equal to the number of colums of the matrix x.


A vector with the assumed means. Its size is equal to the number of colums of the matrix x.


A vector with assumed variances. Its size is equal to the number of colums of the matrix x.


The type of hypothesis to be checked. Equal to ("unequal"), grater than("greater") or less than ("less") the assumed parameter.


Should the p-values be returned (FALSE) or their logarithm (TRUE)?


If you want confidence intervals to be returned specify the confidence level, otherwise leave it NULL.


Despite the functions having been written in R, they are very fast.


For all tests except for the "sftests" a matrix with two colums, the test statistic and the p-value respectively.


Michail Tsagris

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris <> and Manos Papadakis <>.

See Also

ftests, ttests


R <- 100
## protest
x <- rbinom(R, 50, 0.6)
n <- rep(50, R)
p <- rep(0.6, R)
a1 <- proptest(x, n, p, "unequal", logged = FALSE)
res<-sum( a1[, 2] < 0.05 ) / R

## vartest
x <- matrnorm(100, 100)
a2 <- vartest(x, rep(1, R) )
res<-sum( a2[, 2] < 0.05 )

## ttest
a4 <- ttest(x, numeric(R) )
res<-sum(a4[, 2] < 0.05) / R
x <- NULL

Rfast documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:06 p.m.