
test_that("Tests that observationWeights for the bootstrap is working correctly", {
  x <- iris[, -2]
  y <- iris[, 2]
  context('Test observationWeights')
  # Set seed for reproductivity

  # Test forestry (mimic RF)
  forest <- forestry(
    ntree = 500,
    replace = TRUE,
    observationWeights = c(rep(1, 50), rep(2, 50), rep(3,50)),
    mtry = 3,
    nodesizeStrictSpl = 5,
    maxDepth = 4,
    nthread = 2,
    splitrule = "variance",
    splitratio = 1,
    nodesizeStrictAvg = 5,
    seed = 2
  # Test predict
  y_pred <- predict(forest, x, seed = 2)

  # Mean Square Error
  sum((y_pred - y) ^ 2)


  # Check the predictions from a weighted forest
  expect_equal(sum((y_pred - y) ^ 2), 8.656497224183587135826, tolerance = 1e-8)

  forest <- make_savable(forest)

  # Check we have gotten the same bootstrap pulls
                         c( 43, 149, 133,  91,  82,  32, 119,  63, 141,  29, 121,
                            142,  69, 104,  20, 101, 105, 143,  24, 143,   7,  59,
                            120, 118,  66,  44, 135, 146,  63, 143, 140,  64, 110,
                            119,144,  95,  80,  79, 133,  13,  29,  93, 120,  68,
                            122,  58, 105,  47, 135,   6)), TRUE)

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Rforestry documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:33 p.m.