Man pages for Rgff
R Utilities for GFF Files

check_gffTest consistency and order of a GFF file
check_gff3Test consistency and order of a GFF3 file
check_gtfTest consistency and order of a GTF file
get_featuresAnalyses the feature type hierarchy of a GFF file
get_pairs_from_gffCreates a features pair file from a GFF file
get_pairs_from_gff3Creates a features pair file from a GFF file
get_pairs_from_gtfCreates a features pair file from a GTF file
gff3_to_pathsCreates a features path file from a GFF file
gff_statsSummarizes the number of features of each type in a GFF file
gff_stats_by_chrSummarizes the number of elements of each type in each...
gtf_to_gff3Converts a GTF file into a GFF3 file
gtf_to_pathsCreates a features path file from a GTF file
pipePipe operator
plot_featuresPlots or exports an image of the feature tree from a GFF file
saf_from_gffCreates a SAF file from a GTF/GFF3 features for the given...
saf_from_gff3Creates a SAF file from a GFF3 for the given pairs of blocks...
saf_from_pathsGenerates SAF formatted data from a features path file for...
sort_gffSorts a GTF/GFF3 file
sort_gff3Sorts a GFF3 file
sort_gtfSorts a GTF file
Rgff documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 5:08 p.m.