
#' Like or Unlike a Post
#' This function takes the \code{media_id} of a post and likes/unlikes that post for you.
#' @template media_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' liked_result <- ig_like(last_post_media_id)
#' unliked_result <- ig_unlike(last_post_media_id)
#' }
#' @export
ig_like <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "media_id" = media_id)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/like/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' @rdname ig_like
#' @export
ig_unlike <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "media_id" = media_id)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/unlike/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' Save or Unsave a Post
#' This function takes the \code{media_id} of a post and adds/removes that post from 
#' the Saved folder within Instagram.
#' @template media_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' save_result <- ig_save(last_post_media_id)
#' unsave_result <- ig_unsave(last_post_media_id)
#' }
#' @export
ig_save <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "media_id" = media_id)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/save/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' @rdname ig_save
#' @export
ig_unsave <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "media_id" = media_id)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/unsave/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' Comment or Delete a Comment on a Post
#' This function takes the \code{media_id} of a post and text for a comment or the 
#' id of a comment to manipulate the comment on the post.
#' @template media_id
#' @param comment_text character; the text that would be posted as a comment 
#' underneath the post
#' @template comment_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' comment_result <- ig_comment(last_post_media_id, 
#'                              comment_text = "New Comment!")
#' comment_media_id <- comment_result$comment$media_id                              
#' deletion_result <- ig_comment_delete(last_post_media_id, 
#'                                      comment_media_id)
#' }
#' @export
ig_comment <- function(media_id, comment_text, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "comment_text" = comment_text)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/comment/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' @rdname ig_comment
#' @export
ig_comment_delete <- function(media_id, comment_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/comment/%s/delete/", 
                                              media_id, comment_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' Delete Comments on a Post in Bulk
#' This function takes the \code{media_id} of a post as well as one or more \code{comment_id}s 
#' and then deletes all of those comments
#' @template media_id
#' @template comment_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' comment_result1 <- ig_comment(last_post_media_id, 
#'                              comment_text = "New Comment #1")
#' comment1_media_id <- comment_result1$comment$media_id 
#' comment_result2 <- ig_comment(last_post_media_id, 
#'                              comment_text = "New Comment #2")
#' comment2_media_id <- comment_result2$comment$media_id                               
#' deletion_result <- ig_comment_delete(last_post_media_id, 
#'                                      c(comment1_media_id, 
#'                                        comment2_media_id))
#' }
#' @export
ig_comment_delete_bulk <- function(media_id, comment_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token, 
                  comment_ids_to_delete = paste0(comment_id, collapse=","))
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/comment/bulk_delete/", 
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' Get Media Info
#' This function returns the details of a single post. It contains the same information 
#' about a post that is retrieved by many of the feed functions. 
#' @template media_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' bieber_user_id <- ig_get_user_id("justinbieber")
#' bieber_feed <- ig_get_user_feed(bieber_user_id, paginate = FALSE)
#' most_recent_post_info <- ig_get_media_info(media_id = bieber_feed$id[1])
#' }
#' @export
ig_get_media_info <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  ig_generic_GET(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/info/", media_id),
                 item_accessor = function(x) x[["items"]][[1]],
                 paginate = FALSE,
                 return_df = FALSE, 
                 verbose = verbose)

#' Get Media Comments and Likers
#' These functions return the comments and user like data from a single post.
#' @template media_id
#' @inheritParams feed
#' @examples \donttest{
#' bieber_user_id <- ig_get_user_id("justinbieber")
#' bieber_feed <- ig_get_user_feed(bieber_user_id, paginate = FALSE)
#' most_recent_post_comments <- ig_get_media_comments(media_id = bieber_feed$id[1])
#' most_recent_post_likers <- ig_get_media_likers(media_id = bieber_feed$id[1])
#' }
#' @export
ig_get_media_comments <- function(media_id, max_id = NULL, return_df = TRUE, paginate = TRUE,
                                  max_pages = 10, verbose = FALSE){
  this_query <- list(max_id = max_id)
  ig_generic_GET(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/comments/", media_id),
                 query = this_query,
                 item_accessor = function(x) x[["comments"]], 
                 return_df = return_df, 
                 paginate = paginate,
                 max_pages = max_pages, 
                 verbose = verbose)

#' @rdname ig_get_media_comments
#' @export
ig_get_media_likers <- function(media_id, max_id = NULL, return_df = TRUE, paginate = TRUE,
                                max_pages = 10, verbose = FALSE){
  this_query <- list(max_id = max_id)
  ig_generic_GET(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/likers/", media_id),
                 query = this_query,
                 item_accessor = function(x) x[["users"]], 
                 return_df = return_df, 
                 paginate = paginate,
                 max_pages = max_pages, 
                 verbose = verbose)

#' Edit a Post's Caption
#' This function can be used to edit the caption of a post that has already been made.
#' @template media_id
#' @param caption_text character; the text below a post's image or video.
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' edit_result <- ig_edit_media_caption(last_post_media_id, 
#'                                      caption_text = "New, Edited Caption")
#' }
#' @export
ig_edit_media_caption <- function(media_id, caption_text, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "caption_text" = caption_text)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/edit_media/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

#' Delete a Post
#' This function can be used to delete a post.
#' @template media_id
#' @template verbose
#' @examples \donttest{
#' last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#' deletion_result <- ig_delete_media(last_post_media_id)
#' }
#' @export
ig_delete_media <- function(media_id, verbose = FALSE){
  current_state <- Rinstapkg_state()
  my_list <- list("_uuid" = current_state$session_guid, 
                  "_uid" = current_state$username_id,
                  "_csrftoken" = current_state$csrf_token,
                  "media_type" = media_type_enum("PHOTO"),
                  "media_id" = media_id)
  ig_generic_POST(relative_endpoint = sprintf("media/%s/delete/", media_id),
                  body_as_list = my_list, 
                  verbose = verbose)

Try the Rinstapkg package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rinstapkg documentation built on June 8, 2019, 9:03 a.m.