
Defines functions widget_html.rnvd3 lineFocusChart lineChart hMultiBarChart multiBarChart

Documented in hMultiBarChart lineChart lineFocusChart multiBarChart

#' @title Multibar chart
#' @description HTMLwidget displaying a multibar chart.
#' @param data dataframe used for the chart
#' @param formula a two-sided formula like \code{y ~ x}, where \code{"x"} and
#'   \code{"y"} are two column names of \code{data}
#' @param by string, the "by" variable; must be a column name of \code{data}
#' @param palette this can be either the name of a viridis color palette, e.g.
#'   \code{"viridis"}, \code{"cividis"} or \code{"turbo"}
#'   (see \code{\link[viridisLite]{viridis}}), or a vector of colors, or a
#'   function that takes an integer argument (the required number of colors)
#'   and returns a character vector of colors (e.g. you can use
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{colorRampPalette}})
#' @param xAxisTitle a title for the x-axis; if \code{NULL}, the title is
#'   taken from the \code{formula} argument
#' @param yAxisTitle a title for the y-axis; if \code{NULL}, the title is
#'   taken from the \code{formula} argument
#' @param margins a named list defining the margins, with names \code{"t"},
#'   \code{"r"}, \code{"b"} and \code{"l"}, for "top", "right", "bottom"
#'   and "left" respectively; you can specify only certain margins in the list
#'   to change just those parts
#' @param duration duration of the transition, a number of milliseconds
#' @param rotateLabels a number, the angle of rotation of the labels of the
#'   x-axis (in degrees)
#' @param groupSpacing a number, controls the distance between groups of bars
#' @param xAxisTitleDistance a number, controls the distance between the
#'   x-axis and its title
#' @param yAxisTitleDistance a number, controls the distance between the
#'   y-axis and its title
#' @param yAxisShowMaxMin Boolean, whether to show the min and the max on
#'   the y-axis
#' @param yAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the y-axis; see
#'   \href{https://d3-wiki.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/master/Formatting/#d3_format}{d3.format}
#' @param xLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   x-axis
#' @param yLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   y-axis
#' @param rightAlignYaxis Boolean, whether to put the y-axis on the right side
#'   instead of the left
#' @param reduceXticks Boolean, whether to reduce the ticks on the x-axis so
#'   that the x-labels are less likely to overlap
#' @param staggerLabels Boolean, whether to make the x-labels stagger at
#'   different distances from the axis so they're less likely to overlap
#' @param wrapLabels Boolean, whether to split long x-labels by new lines in
#'   order to prevent overlapping
#' @param useInteractiveGuideline Boolean, other kind of tooltips: sets the
#'   chart to use a guideline and floating tooltip instead of requiring the
#'   user to hover over specific hotspots
#' @template tooltipFormattersTemplate
#' @param tooltipTransitions Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a
#'   fade effect
#' @param tooltipShadow Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a shadow
#' @param radioButtonMode Boolean, whether to authorize only one selection in
#'   the legend (i.e. only one level of the '\code{by}' variable)
#' @param legendTitle a title for the legend, or \code{NULL} for no title
#' @param legendHjust horizontal adjustment of the legend title
#' @param width width of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param height height of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param elementId an id for the chart container; commonly useless
#' @return A htmlwidget displaying a grouped/stacked bar chart.
#' @note In Shiny, you can style the axis titles with the help of CSS; see the
#'   \link[=rnvd3Output]{shiny example}. It is also possible outside of Shiny;
#'   see the second example below, where we set the CSS with the help of
#'   \code{\link[htmlwidgets:prependContent]{prependContent}}.
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @importFrom htmltools validateCssUnit
#' @export
#' @examples library(Rnvd3)
#' # in this example we use the tooltip formatters for styling only; we could
#' # achieve the same result with the help of CSS
#' dat <- reshape2::melt(
#'   apply(HairEyeColor, c(1, 2), sum), value.name = "Count"
#' )
#' multiBarChart(
#'   dat, Count ~ Eye, "Hair",
#'   tooltipFormatters = list(
#'     value = JS(
#'       "function(x){",
#'       "  return '<span style=\"color:red;\">' + x + '</span>';",
#'       "}"
#'     ),
#'     header = JS(
#'       "function(x){",
#'       "  return '<span style=\"color:green;\">' + x + '</span>';",
#'       "}"
#'     ),
#'     key = JS(
#'       "function(x){",
#'       "  return '<i style=\"color:blue;\">' + x + '</i>';",
#'       "}"
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' # style axis titles with CSS ####
#' library(htmltools)
#' CSS <- HTML(
#'   ".nvd3 .nv-axis.nv-x text.nv-axislabel,
#'    .nvd3 .nv-axis.nv-y text.nv-axislabel {
#'      font-size: 2rem;
#'      fill: red;
#'   }"
#' )
#' widget <- multiBarChart(
#'   dat, Count ~ Eye, "Hair", palette = "turbo"
#' )
#' prependContent(
#'   widget,
#'   tags$style(CSS)
#' )
multiBarChart <- function(
  palette = "viridis",
  # title = NULL,
  # titleOffset = 0,
  xAxisTitle = NULL,
  yAxisTitle = NULL,
  margins = list(b = 100, l = 70),
  duration = 1300,
  rotateLabels = 0,
  groupSpacing = 0.1,
  xAxisTitleDistance = 35,
  yAxisTitleDistance = -5,
  yAxisShowMaxMin = FALSE,
  yAxisTickFormat = ".0f",
  xLabelsFontSize = "1rem",
  yLabelsFontSize = "1rem",
  rightAlignYaxis = FALSE,
  reduceXticks = FALSE,
  staggerLabels = FALSE,
  wrapLabels = FALSE,
  useInteractiveGuideline = FALSE,
  tooltipFormatters = list(value = NULL, header = NULL, key = NULL),
  tooltipTransitions = TRUE,
  tooltipShadow = TRUE,
  radioButtonMode = FALSE,
  legendTitle = NULL,
  legendHjust = -20,
  width = "100%", height = NULL, elementId = NULL
) {
  # stopifnot(is.null(title) || isString(title))
  # stopifnot(isNumber(titleOffset))
  stopifnot(is.null(xAxisTitle) || isString(xAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(is.null(yAxisTitle) || isString(yAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(all(names(margins) %in% c("t", "r", "b", "l")))
  stopifnot(is.null(legendTitle) || isString(legendTitle))
  xLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(xLabelsFontSize)
  yLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(yLabelsFontSize)
  formatters <- names(tooltipFormatters)
  if(any(formatters %notin% c("value", "header", "key"))){
      "Invalid names in 'tooltipFormatters' list.",
      call. = TRUE
  tooltipFormatters <- dropNulls(tooltipFormatters)
  areJS <- all(vapply(tooltipFormatters, isJS, logical(1L)))
      "Invalid 'tooltipFormatters' list. ",
      "Each tooltip formatter must be created with the `JS` function.",
      call. = TRUE
  # if(length(tooltipFormatters) == 0L){
  #   tooltipFormatters <- emptyNamedList
  # }

  mbcData <- multiBarChartData(data, formula, by, palette)
  axisTitles <- attr(mbcData, "axisTitles")
  margins <- dropNulls(
      "top"    = margins[["t"]],
      "right"  = margins[["r"]],
      "bottom" = margins[["b"]],
      "left"   = margins[["l"]]

  # forward options using x
  x <- list(
    "chart"                   = "multibarchart",
    "Data"                    = mbcData,
    # "title"                   = title,
    # "titleOffset"             = titleOffset,
    "xAxisTitle"              = xAxisTitle %or% axisTitles[["x"]],
    "yAxisTitle"              = yAxisTitle %or% axisTitles[["y"]],
    "margins"                 = margins,
    "duration"                = duration,
    "rotateLabels"            = rotateLabels,
    "groupSpacing"            = groupSpacing,
    "xAxisTitleDistance"      = xAxisTitleDistance,
    "yAxisTitleDistance"      = yAxisTitleDistance,
    "yAxisShowMaxMin"         = yAxisShowMaxMin,
    "yAxisTickFormat"         = yAxisTickFormat,
    "xLabelsFontSize"         = xLabelsFontSize,
    "yLabelsFontSize"         = yLabelsFontSize,
    "rightAlignYaxis"         = rightAlignYaxis,
    "reduceXticks"            = reduceXticks,
    "staggerLabels"           = staggerLabels,
    "wrapLabels"              = wrapLabels,
    "useInteractiveGuideline" = useInteractiveGuideline,
    "tooltipFormatters"       = tooltipFormatters,
    "radioButtonMode"         = radioButtonMode,
    "legendTitle"             = legendTitle,
    "legendHjust"             = legendHjust

  # create widget
    name = "rnvd3",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "Rnvd3",
    dependencies = CSSdependencies(tooltipTransitions, tooltipShadow),
    elementId = elementId

#' @title Horizontal multibar chart
#' @description HTMLwidget displaying a horizontal multibar chart.
#' @param data dataframe containing the data used for the chart
#' @param formula a two-sided formula like \code{y ~ x}, where \code{"x"} and
#'   \code{"y"} are two column names of \code{data}
#' @param by string, the "by" variable; must be a column name of \code{data}
#' @param palette this can be either the name of a viridis color palette, e.g.
#'   \code{"viridis"}, \code{"cividis"} or \code{"turbo"}
#'   (see \code{\link[viridisLite]{viridis}}), or a vector of colors, or a
#'   function that takes an integer argument (the required number of colors)
#'   and returns a character vector of colors (e.g. you can use
#'   \code{\link[grDevices]{colorRampPalette}})
#' @param xAxisTitle a title for the x-axis; if \code{NULL}, the title is
#'   taken from the \code{formula} argument
#' @param yAxisTitle a title for the y-axis; if \code{NULL}, the title is
#'   taken from the \code{formula} argument
#' @param margins a named list defining the margins, with names \code{"t"},
#'   \code{"r"}, \code{"b"} and \code{"l"}, for "top", "right", "bottom"
#'   and "left" respectively; you can specify only certain margins in the list
#'   to change just those parts
#' @param duration duration of the transition, a number of milliseconds
#' @param groupSpacing a number, controls the distance between groups of bars
#' @param xAxisTitleDistance a number, controls the distance between the
#'   x-axis and its title
#' @param yAxisTitleDistance a number, controls the distance between the
#'   y-axis and its title
#' @param yAxisShowMaxMin Boolean, whether to show the min and the max on
#'   the y-axis
#' @param yAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the y-axis; see
#'   \href{https://d3-wiki.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/master/Formatting/#d3_format}{d3.format}
#' @param nticks integer, the number of ticks on the y-axis
#' @param xLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   x-axis
#' @param yLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   y-axis
#' @param showValues Boolean, whether to show the values next to the bars
#' @template tooltipFormattersTemplate
#' @param tooltipTransitions Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a
#'   fade effect
#' @param tooltipShadow Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a shadow
#' @param width width of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param height height of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param elementId an id for the chart container; commonly useless
#' @return A htmlwidget displaying a grouped/stacked bar chart.
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @importFrom htmltools validateCssUnit
#' @export
#' @examples library(Rnvd3)
#' dat <- aggregate(breaks ~ wool + tension, data = warpbreaks, mean)
#' levels(dat[["tension"]]) <- c("Low", "Medium", "High")
#' hMultiBarChart(
#'   dat, breaks ~ wool, "tension", yAxisShowMaxMin = TRUE,
#'   yAxisTitle = "Mean of breaks", yAxisTickFormat = ".01f"
#' )
#' # the axis titles are small, let's make them bigger
#' library(htmltools)
#' CSS <- HTML(
#'   ".nvd3 .nv-axis.nv-x text.nv-axislabel,
#'    .nvd3 .nv-axis.nv-y text.nv-axislabel {
#'      font-size: 1rem;
#'   }"
#' )
#' prependContent(
#'   hMultiBarChart(
#'     dat, breaks ~ wool, "tension", yAxisShowMaxMin = TRUE,
#'     yAxisTitle = "Mean of breaks", yAxisTickFormat = ".01f"
#'   ),
#'   tags$style(CSS)
#' )
hMultiBarChart <- function(
  palette = "viridis",
  xAxisTitle = NULL,
  yAxisTitle = NULL,
  margins = list(b = 100, l = 100),
  duration = 1300,
  groupSpacing = 0.1,
  xAxisTitleDistance = 25,
  yAxisTitleDistance = -5,
  yAxisShowMaxMin = FALSE,
  yAxisTickFormat = ".0f",
  nticks = 5,
  xLabelsFontSize = "1rem",
  yLabelsFontSize = "1rem",
  showValues = FALSE,
  tooltipFormatters = list(value = NULL, header = NULL, key = NULL),
  tooltipTransitions = TRUE,
  tooltipShadow = TRUE,
  width = "100%", height = NULL, elementId = NULL
) {
  stopifnot(is.null(xAxisTitle) || isString(xAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(is.null(yAxisTitle) || isString(yAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(all(names(margins) %in% c("t", "r", "b", "l")))
  xLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(xLabelsFontSize)
  yLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(yLabelsFontSize)
  formatters <- names(tooltipFormatters)
  if(any(formatters %notin% c("value", "header", "key"))){
      "Invalid names in 'tooltipFormatters' list.",
      call. = TRUE
  tooltipFormatters <- dropNulls(tooltipFormatters)
  areJS <- all(vapply(tooltipFormatters, isJS, logical(1L)))
      "Invalid 'tooltipFormatters' list. ",
      "Each tooltip formatter must be created with the `JS` function.",
      call. = TRUE

  mbcData <- multiBarChartData(data, formula, by, palette)
  axisTitles <- attr(mbcData, "axisTitles")
  margins <- dropNulls(
      "top"    = margins[["t"]],
      "right"  = margins[["r"]],
      "bottom" = margins[["b"]],
      "left"   = margins[["l"]]

  # forward options using x
  x <- list(
    "chart"                   = "horizontalmultibarchart",
    "Data"                    = mbcData,
    "xAxisTitle"              = xAxisTitle %or% axisTitles[["x"]],
    "yAxisTitle"              = yAxisTitle %or% axisTitles[["y"]],
    "margins"                 = margins,
    "duration"                = duration,
    "groupSpacing"            = groupSpacing,
    "xAxisTitleDistance"      = xAxisTitleDistance,
    "yAxisTitleDistance"      = yAxisTitleDistance,
    "yAxisShowMaxMin"         = yAxisShowMaxMin,
    "yAxisTickFormat"         = yAxisTickFormat,
    "nticks"                  = nticks,
    "xLabelsFontSize"         = xLabelsFontSize,
    "yLabelsFontSize"         = yLabelsFontSize,
    "showValues"              = showValues,
    "tooltipFormatters"       = tooltipFormatters

  # create widget
    name = "rnvd3",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "Rnvd3",
    dependencies = CSSdependencies(tooltipTransitions, tooltipShadow),
    elementId = elementId

#' @title Line chart
#' @description Create a HTML widget displaying a line chart.
#' @param data data used for the chart; it must be a list created with
#'   \code{\link{lineChartData}}, or a list of such lists (for multiple lines)
#' @param xAxisTitle string, the title of the x-axis
#' @param yAxisTitle string, the title of the y-axis
#' @param margins a named list defining the margins, with names \code{"t"},
#'   \code{"r"}, \code{"b"} and \code{"l"}, for "top", "right", "bottom"
#'   and "left" respectively; you can specify only certain margins in the list
#'   to change just those parts
#' @param duration transition duration in milliseconds
#' @param useInteractiveGuideline Boolean, a guideline and synchronized tooltips
#' @param xAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the ticks on the x-axis;
#'   a d3 \emph{time} formatting string if the x-values are dates, see
#'   \href{https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format/blob/v3.0.0/README.md#locale_format}{d3.time.format}
#' @param yAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the ticks on the y-axis
#' @param xLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   x-axis
#' @param yLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   y-axis
#' @param legendPosition string, the legend position, \code{"top"} or
#'   \code{"right"}
#' @param interpolate interpolation type, a string among \code{"linear"},
#'   \code{"step-before"}, \code{"step-after"}, \code{"basis"},
#'   \code{"basis-open"}, \code{"basis-closed"}, \code{"bundle"},
#'   \code{"cardinal"}, \code{"cardinal-open"}, \code{"cardinal-closed"},
#'   \code{"monotone"}
#' @param xRange the x-axis range, a length two vector of the same type as the
#'   x-values, or \code{NULL} to derive it from the data
#' @param yRange the y-axis range, a numeric vector of length 2, or
#'   \code{NULL} to derive it from the data
#' @param rightAlignYaxis Boolean, whether to put the y-axis on the right side
#'   instead of the left
#' @template tooltipFormattersTemplate
#' @param tooltipTransitions Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a
#'   fade effect
#' @param tooltipShadow Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a shadow
#' @param width width of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param height height of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param elementId an id for the chart container, usually useless
#' @return A HTML widget displaying a line chart.
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmltools validateCssUnit
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date is.POSIXct year month day hour minute second
#' @examples library(Rnvd3)
#' dat1 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~ 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10), key = "Sine wave", color = "lime")
#' dat2 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~ 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10)*0.25 + 0.5,
#'                 key = "Another sine wave", color = "red")
#' dat <- list(dat1, dat2)
#' lineChart(dat)
#' # with a date x-axis ####
#' dat1 <-
#'   lineChartData(
#'     x = ~ Sys.Date() + 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10), key = "Sine wave", color = "lime"
#'   )
#' dat2 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~ Sys.Date() + 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10)*0.25 + 0.5,
#'                 key = "Another sine wave", color = "darkred")
#' dat <- list(dat1, dat2)
#' lineChart(
#'   dat,
#'   margins = list(t = 100, r = 100, b = 100, l = 100),
#'   xAxisTickFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"
#' )
#' # with a datetime x-axis
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   x  = Sys.time() + (1:300),
#'   y1 = sin(1:300/10),
#'   y2 = sin(1:300/10)*0.25 + 0.5
#' )
#' dat1 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~x, y = ~y1, data = dat, key = "Sine wave", color = "lime")
#' dat2 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~x, y = ~y2, data = dat,
#'                 key = "Another sine wave", color = "darkred")
#' dat12 <- list(dat1, dat2)
#' lineChart(
#'   dat12,
#'   margins = list(t = 100, r = 100, b = 100, l = 100),
#'   xAxisTickFormat = "%H:%M:%S",
#'   xAxisTitle = "Time", yAxisTitle = "Energy"
#' )
lineChart <- function(
  xAxisTitle = "x",
  yAxisTitle = "y",
  margins = list("l" = 90),
  duration = 500,
  useInteractiveGuideline = TRUE,
  xAxisTickFormat = ".0f",
  yAxisTickFormat = ".02f",
  xLabelsFontSize = "0.75rem",
  yLabelsFontSize = "0.75rem",
  legendPosition = "top",
  interpolate = "linear",
  xRange = NULL,
  yRange = NULL,
  rightAlignYaxis = FALSE,
  tooltipFormatters = list(value = NULL, header = NULL, key = NULL),
  tooltipTransitions = TRUE,
  tooltipShadow = TRUE,
  width = "100%", height = NULL, elementId = NULL
  lcData    <- makeLineChartData(data)
  isDate    <- attr(lcData, "isDate")
  isPOSIXct <- attr(lcData, "isPOSIXct")
  stopifnot(all(names(margins) %in% c("t", "r", "b", "l")))
  margins <- dropNulls(
      "top"    = margins[["t"]],
      "right"  = margins[["r"]],
      "bottom" = margins[["b"]],
      "left"   = margins[["l"]]
  stopifnot(is.null(xAxisTitle) || isString(xAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(is.null(yAxisTitle) || isString(yAxisTitle))
  xLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(xLabelsFontSize)
  yLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(yLabelsFontSize)
  legendPosition <- match.arg(legendPosition, c("top", "right"))
  interpolate <- match.arg(
    c("linear", "step-before", "step-after", "basis", "basis-open",
      "basis-closed", "bundle", "cardinal", "cardinal-open", "cardinal-closed",
  x1 <- x2 <- NULL
    stopifnot(length(xRange) == 2L)
          "The x values are dates but not the values of `xRange`.",
          call. = TRUE
      x1 <- list(
        "year"  = year(xRange[1L]),
        "month" = month(xRange[1L]),
        "day"   = day(xRange[1L])
      x2 <- list(
        "year"  = year(xRange[2L]),
        "month" = month(xRange[2L]),
        "day"   = day(xRange[2L])
    }else if(isPOSIXct){
          "The x values are datetimes but not the values of `xRange`.",
          call. = TRUE
      x1 <- list(
        "year"   = year(xRange[1L]),
        "month"  = month(xRange[1L]),
        "day"    = day(xRange[1L]),
        "hour"   = hour(xRange[1L]),
        "minute" = minute(xRange[1L]),
        "second" = second(xRange[1L])
      x2 <- list(
        "year"   = year(xRange[2L]),
        "month"  = month(xRange[2L]),
        "day"    = day(xRange[2L]),
        "hour"   = hour(xRange[2L]),
        "minute" = minute(xRange[2L]),
        "second" = second(xRange[2L])
    is.null(yRange) || (is.numeric(yRange) && length(yRange) == 2L)
  if(!is.null(xRange)) xRange <- as.list(unname(xRange))
  if(!is.null(yRange)) yRange <- as.list(unname(yRange))
  formatters <- names(tooltipFormatters)
  if(any(formatters %notin% c("value", "header", "key"))){
      "Invalid names in 'tooltipFormatters' list.",
      call. = TRUE
  tooltipFormatters <- dropNulls(tooltipFormatters)
  areJS <- all(vapply(tooltipFormatters, isJS, logical(1L)))
      "Invalid 'tooltipFormatters' list. ",
      "Each tooltip formatter must be created with the `JS` function.",
      call. = TRUE

  # forward options using x
  x <- list(
    "chart"                   = "linechart",
    "Data"                    = lcData,
    "isDate"                  = isDate,
    "isPOSIXct"               = isPOSIXct,
    "xAxisTitle"              = xAxisTitle,
    "yAxisTitle"              = yAxisTitle,
    "margins"                 = margins,
    "duration"                = duration,
    "useInteractiveGuideline" = useInteractiveGuideline,
    "xAxisTickFormat"         = xAxisTickFormat,
    "yAxisTickFormat"         = yAxisTickFormat,
    "xLabelsFontSize"         = xLabelsFontSize,
    "yLabelsFontSize"         = yLabelsFontSize,
    "legendPosition"          = legendPosition,
    "interpolate"             = interpolate,
    "xRange"                  = xRange,
    "x1"                      = x1,
    "x2"                      = x2,
    "yRange"                  = yRange,
    "rightAlignYaxis"         = rightAlignYaxis,
    "tooltipFormatters"       = tooltipFormatters

  # create widget
    name = "rnvd3",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "Rnvd3",
    dependencies = CSSdependencies(tooltipTransitions, tooltipShadow),
    elementId = elementId


#' @title Line chart with focus
#' @description Create a HTML widget displaying a line chart with a focus tool.
#' @param data data used for the chart; it must be a list created with
#'   \code{\link{lineChartData}}, or a list of such lists (for multiple lines)
#' @param xAxisTitle string, the title of the x-axis
#' @param yAxisTitle string, the title of the y-axis
#' @param margins a named list defining the margins, with names \code{"t"},
#'   \code{"r"}, \code{"b"} and \code{"l"}, for "top", "right", "bottom"
#'   and "left" respectively; you can specify only certain margins in the list
#'   to change just those parts
#' @param duration transition duration in milliseconds
#' @param useInteractiveGuideline Boolean, a guideline and synchronized tooltips
#' @param xAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the ticks on the x-axis;
#'   a d3 \emph{time} formatting string if the x-values are dates, see
#'   \href{https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format/blob/v3.0.0/README.md#locale_format}{d3.time.format}
#' @param yAxisTickFormat a d3 formatting string for the ticks on the y-axis
#' @param xLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   x-axis
#' @param yLabelsFontSize a CSS measure, the font size of the labels on the
#'   y-axis
#' @param legendPosition string, the legend position, \code{"top"} or
#'   \code{"right"}
#' @param interpolate interpolation type, a string among \code{"linear"},
#'   \code{"step-before"}, \code{"step-after"}, \code{"basis"},
#'   \code{"basis-open"}, \code{"basis-closed"}, \code{"bundle"},
#'   \code{"cardinal"}, \code{"cardinal-open"}, \code{"cardinal-closed"},
#'   \code{"monotone"}
#' @param xRange the x-axis range, a length two vector of the same type as the
#'   x-values, or \code{NULL} to derive it from the data
#' @param yRange the y-axis range, a numeric vector of length 2, or
#'   \code{NULL} to derive it from the data
#' @param rightAlignYaxis Boolean, whether to put the y-axis on the right side
#'   instead of the left
#' @template tooltipFormattersTemplate
#' @param tooltipTransitions Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a
#'   fade effect
#' @param tooltipShadow Boolean, whether to style the tooltip with a shadow
#' @param width width of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param height height of the chart container, must be a valid CSS measure
#' @param elementId an id for the chart container, usually useless
#' @return A HTML widget displaying a line chart with a focus tool.
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date is.POSIXct year month day hour minute second
#' @importFrom htmltools validateCssUnit
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @examples library(Rnvd3)
#' dat1 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~ 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10), key = "Sine wave", color = "lime")
#' dat2 <-
#'   lineChartData(x = ~ 1:100, y = ~ sin(1:100/10)*0.25 + 0.5,
#'                 key = "Another sine wave", color = "red")
#' dat <- list(dat1, dat2)
#' lineFocusChart(dat)
lineFocusChart <- function(
  xAxisTitle = "x",
  yAxisTitle = "y",
  margins = list("l" = 90),
  duration = 500,
  useInteractiveGuideline = FALSE,
  xAxisTickFormat = ".0f",
  yAxisTickFormat = ".02f",
  xLabelsFontSize = "0.75rem",
  yLabelsFontSize = "0.75rem",
  legendPosition = "top",
  interpolate = "linear",
  xRange = NULL,
  yRange = NULL,
  rightAlignYaxis = FALSE,
  tooltipFormatters = list(value = NULL, header = NULL, key = NULL),
  tooltipTransitions = TRUE,
  tooltipShadow = TRUE,
  width = "100%", height = NULL, elementId = NULL
  lcData    <- makeLineChartData(data)
  isDate    <- attr(lcData, "isDate")
  isPOSIXct <- attr(lcData, "isPOSIXct")
  stopifnot(all(names(margins) %in% c("t", "r", "b", "l")))
  margins <- dropNulls(
      "top"    = margins[["t"]],
      "right"  = margins[["r"]],
      "bottom" = margins[["b"]],
      "left"   = margins[["l"]]
  stopifnot(is.null(xAxisTitle) || isString(xAxisTitle))
  stopifnot(is.null(yAxisTitle) || isString(yAxisTitle))
  xLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(xLabelsFontSize)
  yLabelsFontSize <- validateCssUnit(yLabelsFontSize)
  legendPosition <- match.arg(legendPosition, c("top", "right"))
  interpolate <- match.arg(
    c("linear", "step-before", "step-after", "basis", "basis-open",
      "basis-closed", "bundle", "cardinal", "cardinal-open", "cardinal-closed",
  x1 <- x2 <- NULL
    stopifnot(length(xRange) == 2L)
          "The x values are dates but not the values of `xRange`.",
          call. = TRUE
      x1 <- list(
        "year"  = year(xRange[1L]),
        "month" = month(xRange[1L]),
        "day"   = day(xRange[1L])
      x2 <- list(
        "year"  = year(xRange[2L]),
        "month" = month(xRange[2L]),
        "day"   = day(xRange[2L])
    }else if(isPOSIXct){
          "The x values are datetimes but not the values of `xRange`.",
          call. = TRUE
      x1 <- list(
        "year"   = year(xRange[1L]),
        "month"  = month(xRange[1L]),
        "day"    = day(xRange[1L]),
        "hour"   = hour(xRange[1L]),
        "minute" = minute(xRange[1L]),
        "second" = second(xRange[1L])
      x2 <- list(
        "year"   = year(xRange[2L]),
        "month"  = month(xRange[2L]),
        "day"    = day(xRange[2L]),
        "hour"   = hour(xRange[2L]),
        "minute" = minute(xRange[2L]),
        "second" = second(xRange[2L])
    is.null(yRange) || (is.numeric(yRange) && length(yRange) == 2L)
  if(!is.null(xRange)) xRange <- as.list(unname(xRange))
  if(!is.null(yRange)) yRange <- as.list(unname(yRange))
  formatters <- names(tooltipFormatters)
  if(any(formatters %notin% c("value", "header", "key"))){
      "Invalid names in 'tooltipFormatters' list.",
      call. = TRUE
  tooltipFormatters <- dropNulls(tooltipFormatters)
  areJS <- all(vapply(tooltipFormatters, isJS, logical(1L)))
      "Invalid 'tooltipFormatters' list. ",
      "Each tooltip formatter must be created with the `JS` function.",
      call. = TRUE

  # forward options using x
  x <- list(
    "chart"                   = "linefocuschart",
    "Data"                    = lcData,
    "isDate"                  = isDate,
    "isPOSIXct"               = isPOSIXct,
    "xAxisTitle"              = xAxisTitle,
    "yAxisTitle"              = yAxisTitle,
    "margins"                 = margins,
    "duration"                = duration,
    "useInteractiveGuideline" = useInteractiveGuideline,
    "xAxisTickFormat"         = xAxisTickFormat,
    "yAxisTickFormat"         = yAxisTickFormat,
    "xLabelsFontSize"         = xLabelsFontSize,
    "yLabelsFontSize"         = yLabelsFontSize,
    "legendPosition"          = legendPosition,
    "interpolate"             = interpolate,
    "xRange"                  = xRange,
    "x1"                      = x1,
    "x2"                      = x2,
    "yRange"                  = yRange,
    "rightAlignYaxis"         = rightAlignYaxis,
    "tooltipFormatters"       = tooltipFormatters

  # create widget
    name = "rnvd3",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    package = "Rnvd3",
    dependencies = CSSdependencies(tooltipTransitions, tooltipShadow),
    elementId = elementId

#' @importFrom htmltools tags
#' @noRd
widget_html.rnvd3 <- function(id, style, class, ...){
  #s <- "position:absolute; top:10px; right:10px; bottom:10px; left:10px; "
    id = id, class = class, style = style,
    tags$svg(style = "height: inherit; width: inherit")

Try the Rnvd3 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rnvd3 documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:18 p.m.