Man pages for RobustCalibration
Robust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical Models

Accept_proposalDetermine whether we accept the proposed poserior sample at...
Chol_EigenCholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix.
Get_inv_allProduce the inversion of the covariances of the model...
Get_R_newCholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix in GaSP.
Get_R_z_newCholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix in S-GaSP.
Log_marginal_postNatural Logorithm of the posterior.
Log_marginal_post_deltaNatural Logorithm of the posterior of the discrepancy in...
Log_marginal_post_no_discrepancyNatural Logorithm of the posterior with no discrepancy...
mathematical_model_evalEvaluation of the mathmatical model at given observed inputs...
MogihammerA geophysical model for the ground deformation in Kilauea.
post_samplePosterior sampling.
post_sample_MSPosterior sampling.
post_sample_no_discrepancyPosterior sampling for the model with no discrepancy...
post_sample_with_discrepancyPosterior sampling for the model with a discrepancy function
predict_MS.rcalibration_MSPrediction for the robust calibration model for multiple...
predictobj.rcalibration-classPredictive results for the Robust Calibration class
predictobj.rcalibration_MS-classPredictive results for the Robust Calibration class
predict.rcalibrationPrediction for the robust calibration model
predict_separable_2dimFast prediction when the test points lie on a 2D lattice.
predict_separable_2dim_MSFast prediction when the test points lie on a 2D lattice for...
rcalibrationSetting up the robust Calibration model
rcalibration-classRobust Calibration class
rcalibration_MSSetting up the robust Calibration model for multiple sources...
rcalibration_MS-classRobust Calibration for multiple sources class
RobustCalibration-packageRobust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical Models
Sample_deltaSample the model discrepancy.
Sample_sigma_2_theta_mSample the variance and mean parameters.
Sample_sigma_2_theta_m_no_discrepancySample the variance and mean parameters with no discrepancy...
separable_kernelProduct correlation matrix with the product form
show.rcalibrationShow an Robust Calibration object.
Update_R_inv_yUpdate the inverse of covariance multiplied by the outputs in...
RobustCalibration documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:37 a.m.