mathematical_model_eval: Evaluation of the mathmatical model at given observed inputs...

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mathematical_model_evalR Documentation

Evaluation of the mathmatical model at given observed inputs and calibration parameters.


This function evaluates the mathematical model at given observed inputs and calibration parameters.


mathematical_model_eval(input,theta,simul_type, emulator,



a matrix of the observed inputs.


a vector of calibration parameters.


tpye of math model. If the simul_type is 0, it means we use the RobustGaSP R package to emulate the math model. If the simul_type is 1, it means the function of the math model is given by the user. When simul_type is 2 or 3, the mathematical model is the geophyiscal model for Kilauea Volcano. If the simul_type is 2, it means it is for the ascending mode InSAR data; if the simul_type is 3, it means it is for the descending mode InSAR data.


an S4 class of rgasp model from the RobustGaSP R Package.


a character to specify the type of emulator. 'rgasp' is for computer models with scalar-valued output and 'ppgasp' for computer models with vectorized output.


a vector of the location index from the ppgasp emulator to output. Only useful for vectorized output computer model emulated by the ppgasp emulator.


a function for the math model to be calibrated.


a vector of outputs from the math model or its emulator at given observed inputs and calibration parameters.


Mengyang Gu [aut, cre]

Maintainer: Mengyang Gu <>


A. O'Hagan and M. C. Kennedy (2001), Bayesian calibration of computer models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology, 63, 425-464.

K. R. Anderson and M. P. Poland (2016), Bayesian estimation of magma supply, storage, and eroption rates using a multiphysical volcano model: Kilauea volcano, 2000-2012.. Eath and Planetary Science Letters, 447, 161-171.

K. R. Anderson and M. P. Poland (2017), Abundant carbon in the mantle beneath Hawaii. Nature Geoscience, 10, 704-708.

RobustCalibration documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:37 a.m.