personfields.add: Add a new person field

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples


Function to Add a new person field on pipedrive.


personfields.add(name, field_type, options = NULL, api_token = NULL,
  company_domain = "api", return_type = c("complete", "boolean"))



Name of the field


Type of the field.varchar = Text (up to 255 characters); varchar_auto = Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters); text = Long text (up to 65k characters); double = Numeric value; monetary = Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value); date = Date (format YYYY-MM-DD); set = Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options; enum = Options field with a single possible chosen option; user = User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user); org = Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account); people = Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account); phone = Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters); time = Time field (format HH:MM:SS); timerange = Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS); daterange = Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) This field has the following domains: (varchar; varchar_auto; text; double; monetary; date; set; enum; user; org; people; phone; time; timerange; daterange)


When field_type is either set or enum, possible options must be supplied as a JSON-encoded sequential array, for example: [red,blue,lilac] this field must be a JSON.


To validate your requests, you'll need your api_token - this means that our system will need to know who you are and be able to connect all actions you do with your chosen Pipedrive account. Have in mind that a user has a different api_token for each company. Please access the following link for more information: <>


How to get the company domain: <>


the default return is an object List with all informations of process, or you can set boolean (TRUE = success, FALSE = error)


customizable return, the default is an object List



Rpipedrive documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:06 a.m.