exposure: Computation of AUC, Cmax and Cmin

exposureR Documentation

Computation of AUC, Cmax and Cmin


Compute the area under the curve, the maximum and minimum values of a function of time over a given interval or at steady state


  model = NULL,
  output = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  treatment = NULL,
  parameter = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  project = NULL,
  settings = NULL,
  regressor = NULL,
  varlevel = NULL



a Mlxtran model used for the simulation


a list with fields:

  • name: a vector of output names

  • time: = 'steady.state'

  • ntp: number of time points used for computing the exposure (default=100)

  • tol: tolerance number, between 0 and 1, for approximating steaty-state (default=0.01)

  • ngc: number of doses used for estimating the convergence rate to steaty-state (default=5)


a list, or a list of lists, with fields:

  • size : size of the group (default=1),

  • level : level(s) of randomization,

  • parameter : if different parameters per group are defined,

  • output : if different outputs per group are defined,

  • treatment : if different treatements per group are defined,

  • regressor : if different regression variables per group are defined.


a list with fields

  • tfd : time of first dose (default=0),

  • ii : inter dose interval (mandatory),

  • amount : the amount for each dose,

  • rate : the infusion rate (default=Inf),

  • tinf : the time of infusion (default=0),

  • type : the type of input (default=1),

  • target : the target compartment (default=NULL).


a vector of parameters with their names and values


a list


the name of a Monolix project


a list of optional settings

  • result.file : name of the datafile where the simulated data is written (string),

  • seed : initialization of the random number generator (integer),

  • load.design : TRUE/FALSE (if load.design is not defined, a test is automatically performed to check if a new design has been defined),

  • data.in : TRUE/FALSE (default=FALSE)

  • id.out : add columns id (when N=1) and group (when #group=1), TRUE/FALSE (default=FALSE)

  • Nmax : maximum group size used in a single call of mlxCompute (default=100)


a list, or a list of lists, with fields

  • name : a vector of regressor names,

  • time : a vector of times,

  • value : a vector of values.


a list, or a list of lists, with fields

  • name : a vector of names of variability levels,

  • time : a vector of times that define the occasions.


Input arguments are the input arguments of Simulx (http://simulx.webpopix.org)

Specific input arguments can be also used for computing the exposure at steady state, i.e. after the administration of an "infinite" number of doses. See http://simulx.webpopix.org/exposure/ for more details.


A list of data frames. One data frame per output is created with columns id (if number of subject >1), group (if number of groups >1), t1 (beginning of time interval), t2 (end of time interval), step (time step), auc (area under the curve), tmax (time of maximum value), cmax (maximum value), tmin (time of minimum value), cmin (minimum value).

RsSimulx documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:36 a.m.

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