
Defines functions RvegCheck

Documented in RvegCheck

#' RvegCheck
#' Checking your DATABASE for duplicity and allowing to export table with full species name (not editable anymore).
#' @param DATABASE name of csv files for releve table and header - database
#' @param fullnames logical value if you want to add fullnames to the database
#' @param export name of exporting database
#' @param checklist checklist used to match shortnames with species name
#' @returns Export csv file releve table
#' @examples
#' ## NOT RUN
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   RvegCheck(DATABASE = paste0(
#'     path.package("Rveg"),
#'     "/extdata/example_db"
#'   ))
#'   read.csv("exportREL.csv", row.names = 1)
#' }
#' @export

RvegCheck <- function(DATABASE, fullnames = FALSE, export = "export", checklist = "default") {
  if (export == "export") {
    export <- file.path(tempdir(), "export")

  DATA <- read.csv(paste0(DATABASE, "REL.csv"), row.names = 1)

  if (checklist == "default") {
    checklist <- paste0(path.package("Rveg"), "/extdata/DANIHELKA2012rko.txt")

  SpLIST <- read.delim(checklist, sep = "\t")
  fullName <- c(rep("", nrow(DATA)))
  DATA <- cbind(fullName, DATA)
  for (i in 1:length(DATA$ShortName)) {
    DATA$fullName[i] <- SpLIST$FullName[SpLIST$ShortName == substr(DATA$ShortName[i], 1, 7)]

  for (i in 1:length(DATA$fullName)) {
    if (length(unique(substr(DATA$ShortName[DATA$fullName == DATA$fullName[i]], 1, 7))) > 1) {
      message(paste0("found duplicate codes for ", DATA$fullName[i], "\n"))
      message(unique(substr(DATA$ShortName[DATA$fullName == DATA$fullName[i]], 1, 7)))
      print(DATA[DATA$fullName == DATA$fullName[i], ])
      while (TRUE) {
        met <- toupper(readline("select merging method?(M - merge, N - none) "))
        if (met == "M") {
          message("This merging method will keep the higher value")
          while (TRUE) {
            l1 <- as.numeric(readline("select first row (with correct code) "))
            l2 <- as.numeric(readline("select second row "))
            if (is.na(l1) != TRUE & is.na(l2) != TRUE & isTRUE(l1 %in% as.numeric(row.names(DATA))) & isTRUE(l2 %in% as.numeric(row.names(DATA)))) {

          for (i in 1:length(DATA[row.names(DATA) == l1, ])) {
            if (is.numeric(DATA[l1, i])) {
              DATA[row.names(DATA) == l1, i] <- max(c(DATA[row.names(DATA) == l1, i], DATA[row.names(DATA) == l2, i]))
          DATA <- DATA[!(row.names(DATA) == l2), ]


        if (met == "N") {

  if (fullnames) {
    write.csv(DATA, paste0(export, "REL.csv"))
  } else {
    write.csv(DATA[-1, ], paste0(export, "REL.csv"))

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Rveg documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:07 p.m.