Rvmmin <- function(par, fn, gr = NULL, lower = NULL,
upper = NULL, bdmsk = NULL, control = list(), ...) {
# Author: John C Nash
# Date: April 2, 2009; revised July 28, 2009, May 21, 2012, Jan 8, 2015
## An R version of the Nash version of Fletcher's Variable
# Metric minimization
# This uses a simple backtracking line search.
# This is a driver for both constrained and unconstrained routines.
# Input:
# par = a vector containing the starting point
# fn = objective function (assumed to be sufficiently
# differentiable)
# gr = gradient of objective function
# lower = vector of lower bounds on parameters
# upper = vector of upper bounds on parameters
# Note: free parameters outside bounds will be adjusted to
# bounds unless control$keepinputpar = TRUE.
# bdmsk = control vector for bounds and masks. Parameters
# for which bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or 'free',
# those with bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed.
# For historical reasons, we use the same array as an
# indicator that a parameter is at a lower bound (-3)
# or upper bound (-1)
# control = list of control parameters
# maxit = a limit on the number of iterations (default 500)
# maximize = TRUE to maximize the function (default FALSE)
# trace = 0 (default) for no output,
# > 0 for output (bigger => more output)
# dowarn=TRUE by default. Set FALSE to suppress warnings.
# checkgrad = TRUE by default. Check analytic gradient
# against numDeriv results.
# checkbounds = TRUE by default. Check parameters and bounds
# for addmissible bounds and feasible start.
# keepinputpar = FALSE if Rvmmin will move out-of-bound parameters
# to nearest bound WITH WARNING. This is default behaviour.
# If TRUE, stop execution. That is, do not allow starts to
# be modified by bmchk(). This is only in Rvmmin(), not
# Rvmminu() or Rvmminb().
# eps = a tolerance used for judging small gradient norm
# (default = 1e-07). See code for usage.
# stepredn = 0.2 (default). Step reduction factor for backtrack
# line search
# reltest = 100.0 (default). Additive shift for equality test.
# stopbadupdate = FALSE (default). Don't stop when steepest
# descent search point results in failed inverse
# Hessian update
# Output:
# A list with components:
# par: The best set of parameters found.
# value: The value of 'fn' corresponding to 'par'.
# counts: A two-element integer vector giving the number of
# calls to 'fn' and 'gr' respectively. This excludes those calls
# needed to compute the Hessian, if requested, and any
# calls to 'fn' to compute a finite-difference approximation
# to the gradient.
# convergence: An integer code. '0' indicates that Rvmmin judges
# that successful termination has been obtained.
# convergence codes are
# '0' converged, apparently successfully
# '1' indicates that the maximum iterations 'maxit' or
# function evaluation count 'maxfeval' was reached.
# '2' indicates that a point has been found with small
# gradient norm (< (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps )
# '3' indicates approx. inverse Hessian cannot be updated
# at steepest descent iteration (i.e., something
# very wrong)
# '20' indicates initial point is infeasible/inadmissible
# '21' indicates a set of parameters has been tried that
# are infeasible (function cannot be computed)
# message: A character string giving any additional
# information returned by the optimizer, or 'NULL'.
# bdmsk: Returned index describing the status of bounds and
# masks at the proposed solution. Parameters for which
# bdmsk are 1 are unconstrained or 'free', those with
# bdmsk 0 are masked i.e., fixed. For historical
# reasons, we indicate a parameter is at a lower bound
# using -3 or upper bound using -1.
npar <- length(par) # number of parameters
# control defaults -- idea from spg
if (is.null(control$trace)) control$trace=0
# check if there are bounds
if (is.null(lower) || !any(is.finite(lower)))
nolower = TRUE # no lower bounds
else nolower = FALSE
if (is.null(upper) || !any(is.finite(upper)))
noupper = TRUE # no upper bounds
else noupper = FALSE
if (nolower && noupper && all(bdmsk == 1))
bounds = FALSE
else bounds = TRUE
if (control$trace > 1)
cat("Bounds: nolower = ", nolower, " noupper = ", noupper,
" bounds = ", bounds, "\n")
if (is.null(gr)) {
gr <- "grfwd" # use forward gradient approximation if no gradient code provided
if (control$trace > 0) cat("WARNING: forward gradient approximation being used\n")
} else {
if (is.character(gr)) { # assume numerical gradient
if (control$trace > 0) cat("WARNING: using gradient approximation '",gr,"'\n")
} else { # analytic gradient, so check if requested
if (is.null(control$checkgrad)) control$checkgrad <- TRUE
if (control$checkgrad) { # check gradient
testgrad<-grchk(par, fn, gr, trace=control$trace, ...)
if (! testgrad) warning("Gradient code for Rvmmin may be faulty - check it!")
} # end else
control$checkgrad<-NULL # to avoid problems in subsidiary routines
if (is.null(control$dowarn)) control$dowarn<-TRUE
if (bounds) {
if (is.null(control$checkbounds)) { control$checkbounds <- TRUE }
if (is.null(bdmsk)) { bdmsk <- rep(1, npar) } # ensure we have bdmsk
if ((length(lower) == 1) && (npar > 1) ) lower <- rep(lower, npar)
if ((length(upper) == 1) && (npar > 1) ) upper <- rep(upper, npar) # fix 150604
if (any(is.infinite(lower))) lower[which(is.infinite(lower))] <- -.Machine$double.xmax
if (any(is.infinite(upper))) upper[which(is.infinite(upper))] <- .Machine$double.xmax
### Check bounds feasible
if (control$checkbounds) {
btest <- bmchk(par, lower = lower, upper = upper, bdmsk = bdmsk,
trace = control$trace)
if (!btest$admissible)
stop("Inadmissible bounds: one or more lower > upper")
if (btest$parchanged) {
if (is.null(control$keepinputpar) || ! control$keepinputpar) {
warning("Parameter out of bounds has been moved to nearest bound")
control$keepinputpar <- NULL # avoid problems in subsidiary routines
par <- btest$bvec # save the changed parameters
} else stop("Parameter out of bounds")
nolower <- btest$nolower
noupper <- btest$noupper
bounds <- btest$bounds
bdmsk <- btest$bdmsk # change bdmsk to values set in bmchk
if (control$trace > 3) {
cat("Adjusted bdmsk vector:")
lower <- btest$lower
upper <- btest$upper
control$checkbounds<-NULL # to avoid problems in subsidiary routines
############## end bounds check #############
ans <- Rvmminb(par, fn, gr, lower = lower,
upper = upper, bdmsk = bdmsk, control = control, ...)
} else {
ans <- Rvmminu(par, fn, gr, control = control, ...)
} # return(ans)
} ## end of Rvmmin
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