Model-based-MP: Model-based management procedures

Model-based-MPR Documentation

Model-based management procedures


A suite of model-based management procedures (MPs) included in the package. Additional MPs, with specific model configurations (e.g., stock-recruit function or fixing certain parameters) or alternative ramped harvest control rules can be created with make_MP and the available Assess and HCR objects with constant TAC between assessment years.


SCA_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SCA_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SCA_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")



A position in the Data object.


An object of class Data


Numeric, the number of stochastic replicates for the management advice.


Character string describing the assessment diagnostic to save, see make_MP.


An object of class Rec which contains the management recommendation.


  • SCA_MSY(): A statistical catch-at-age model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring SCA.

  • SCA_75MSY(): An SCA with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • SCA_4010(): An SCA with a 40-10 control rule.

  • DDSS_MSY(): A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring DD_SS.

  • DDSS_75MSY(): A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • DDSS_4010(): A state-space delay difference model with a 40-10 control rule.

  • SP_MSY(): A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring SP.

  • SP_75MSY(): A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • SP_4010(): A surplus production model with a 40-10 control rule.

  • SSS_MSY(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4 in SSS) with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY.

  • SSS_75MSY(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% FMSY.

  • SSS_4010(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with a 40-10 control rule.


MSEtool::avail("MP", package = "SAMtool")

myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SCA_4010"))

SAMtool documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 9:07 a.m.