Man pages for SASmixed
Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models"

AnimalAnimal breeding experiment
AvgDailyGainAverage daily weight gain of steers on different diets
BIBData from a balanced incomplete block design
BondStrengths of metal bonds
CultivationBacterial innoculation applied to grass cultivars
DemandPer-capita demand deposits by state and year
GeneticsHeritability data
HRHeart rates of patients on different drug treatments
IncBlkAn unbalanced incomplete block experiment
MississippiNitrogen concentrations in the Mississippi River
MultilocationA multilocation trial
PBIBA partially balanced incomplete block experiment
Semi2Oxide layer thicknesses on semiconductors
SemiconductorSemiconductor split-plot experiment
SIMSSecond International Mathematics Study data
TeachingITeaching Methods I
TeachingIITeaching Methods II
WaferTypesData on different types of silicon wafers
WeightsData from a weight-lifting program
WWheatWinter wheat
SASmixed documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:18 p.m.