Man pages for SHELF
Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework

cdffeedbackFeedback for the elicited distribution of the population CDF
cdfplotPlot distribution of CDF
compareGroupRIOCompare individual elicited distributions with linear pool...
compareIntervalsPlot fitted intervals for each expert
copulaSampleGenerate correlated samples from elicited marginal...
elicitElicit judgements and fit distributions interactively
elicitBivariateElicit a bivariate distribution using a Gaussian copula
elicitDirichletElicit a Dirichlet distribution interactively
elicitExtensionElicitation with the extension method
elicitHeterogenElicit a prior distribution for a random effects variance...
elicitMixtureElicit a mixture distribution using the extension method
elicitMultipleElicit individual judgements and fit distributions for...
elicitSurvivalExtrapolationElicitation for survival extrapolation
feedbackReport quantiles and probabilities from the fitted...
feedbackDirichletCalculate quantiles for the marginal distributions of a...
fitDirichletFit a Dirichlet distribution to elicited marginal...
fitdistFit distributions to elicited probabilities
fitprecisionFit a distribution to judgements about a population precision
generateReportGenerate a report to show the fitted distributions
linearPoolDensityObtain points on the density function of a linear pool
makeCDFPlotPlot the elicited cumulative probabilities
pdfplotsPlot fitted population pdfs
plinearpoolProbabilities quantiles and samples from a (weighted) linear...
plotConditionalDensitiesPlot density of the target variable, conditional on the...
plotConditionalMedianFunctionPlot the conditional median function
plotfitPlot the fitted density function for one or more experts
plotQuartilesPlot elicited quartiles, median and plausible range for each...
plotTertilesPlot elicted tertiles, median and plausible range for each...
sampleFitSample from the elicited distributions
sampleMarginalFitSample from the marginal distribution of the target variable
SHELF-packageSHELF: Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework
survivalModelExtrapolationsCompare Multiple Fitted Models for Survival Extrapolation
survivalScenarioScenario Testing for Survival Extrapolation
SHELF documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:54 p.m.