cdffeedback: Feedback for the elicited distribution of the population CDF

View source: R/cdffeedback.R

cdffeedbackR Documentation

Feedback for the elicited distribution of the population CDF


Report the median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for point on the population CDF


  quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95),
  vals = NA,
  alpha = 0.05,
  median.dist = "best",
  precision.dist = "gamma",
  n.rep = 10000



The output of a fitdist command following elicitation of the expert's beliefs about the population median.


The output of a fitprecision command following elicitation of the expert's beliefs about the population precision.


A vector of quantiles q_1, \ldots,q_n required for feedback


A vector of population values x_1,\ldots,x_n required for feedback


The size of the 100(1-alpha)% credible interval


The fitted distribution for the population median. Can be one of "normal", "lognormal" or "best", where "best" will select the best fitting out of normal and lognormal.


The fitted distribution for the population precision. Can either be "gamma" or "lognormal".


The number of randomly sampled CDFs used to estimated the median and credible interval.


Denote the uncertain population CDF by

P(X \le x | \mu, \sigma^2),

where \mu is the uncertain population median and \sigma^(-2) is the uncertain population precision. Feedback can be reported in the form of the median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for (a) an uncertain probability P(X \le x | \mu, \sigma^2), where x is a specified population value and (b) an uncertain quantile x_q defined by P(X \le x_q | \mu, \sigma^2) = q, where q is a specified population probability.


Fitted median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for population quantiles and probabilities.


Each row gives the fitted median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for each uncertain population quantile specified in quantiles: the fitted median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for the value of x_{q_i} where P(X\le x_{q_i} | \mu, \sigma^2) = q_i.


Each row gives the fitted median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for each uncertain population probability specified in probs: the fitted median and 100(1-alpha)% credible interval for the value of P(X\le x_i | \mu, \sigma^2).


## Not run: 
prfit <- fitprecision(interval = c(60, 70), propvals = c(0.2, 0.4), trans = "log")
medianfit <- fitdist(vals = c(50, 60, 70), probs = c(0.05, 0.5,  0.95), lower = 0)
cdffeedback(medianfit, prfit, quantiles = c(0.01, 0.99),
            vals = c(65, 75), alpha = 0.05, n.rep = 10000)
## End(Not run)  

SHELF documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:54 p.m.