elicitBivariate: Elicit a bivariate distribution using a Gaussian copula

View source: R/elicitBivariate.R

elicitBivariateR Documentation

Elicit a bivariate distribution using a Gaussian copula


Opens up a web browser (using the shiny package), from which you can specify judgements, fit distributions, plot the fitted density functions, and plot samples from the joint distributions. A joint distribution is constructed using a Gaussian copula, whereby the correlation parameter is determined via the elicitation of a concordance probability (a probability that the two uncertain quantities are either both greater than their medians, or both less than their medians.)




Click on the "Help" tab for instructions. Click the "Quit" button to exit the app and return the results from the fitdist command. Click "Download report" to generate a report of all the fitted distributions for each uncertain quantity, and "Download sample" to generate a csv file with a sample from the joint distribution.


A list, with two objects of class elicitation, and the elicited concordance probability. See fitdist for details.


Jeremy Oakley <j.oakley@sheffield.ac.uk>


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SHELF documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:54 p.m.