#' SMARTbayesR: A package for Bayesian computation of optimal embedded dynamic treatment regimes and sample size determination with binary outcomes
#' The SMARTbayesR package allows computation of a set of optimal embedded dynamic treatment regimes for a SMART. 
#' Furthermore, it allows power to be calculated for sample size determination.
#' @section SMARTbayesR functions:
#' SimDesign1 simulates a design-1 type SMART
#' PosteriorTrtSeqProb draws from the posterior of the probabilities of response for each embedded treatment sequence and stage-1 response probabilities.
#' PosteriorEDTRProbs converts treatment sequence end of study response probabilities, stage-1 response probabilities into end of study embedded dynamic treatment regime response probabilities.
#' MCBUpperLimits calculates simultaneous credible intervals which determines the set of optimal dynamic treatment regimes
#' LogOR computes the log-OR between each embedded dynamic treatment regime and the best.
#' LogRR computes the log-RR between each embedded dynamic treatment regime and the best.
#' RD computes the risk difference between each embedded dynamic treatment regime and the best.
#' PowerBayesian computes the power in a SMART to exclude embedded dynamic treatment regimes inferior to the best by a specified amount.
#' Please see Artman (2020) <arXiv:2008.02341> for details about the methodology.
#' @docType package
#' @name SMARTbayesR
# > NULL

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SMARTbayesR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2021, 1:06 a.m.