logitNormMean: Calculate the mean of a distribution whose logit is Gaussian

View source: R/logitNormMean.R

logitNormMeanR Documentation

Calculate the mean of a distribution whose logit is Gaussian


Adapted from logitnorm package. Calculates the mean of a distribution whose logit is Gaussian. Each row of muSigmaMat is a mean and standard deviation on the logit scale.


logitNormMean(muSigmaMat, logisticApprox = FALSE, ...)



An n x 2 matrix where each row is \mu and \sigma on the logit scale for an independent random variable.


Whether or not to use logistic approximation to speed up computation. See details for more information.


More arguments, passed to integrate function


If \mbox{logit}(Y) \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2), This function calculates E[Y] via either numerical integration or by assuming that Y follows a logistic distribution. Under this approximation, setting k = 16 \sqrt(3) / (15 \pi), we approximate the expectation as:

E[Y] = expit(\mu / \sqrt(1 + k^2 \sigma^2))

. The above logistic approximation speeds up the computation, but also sacrifices some accuracy.


A vector of expectations of the specified random variables


John Paige


mus = c(-5, 0, 5)
sigmas = rep(1, 3)
logitNormMean(cbind(mus, sigmas))
logitNormMean(cbind(mus, sigmas), TRUE)

SUMMER documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:31 a.m.