randnet.test: Test Against Random Networks

randnet.testR Documentation

Test Against Random Networks


Performs significance tests for global measures of semantic networks against the global measures of equivalent size (and density) random networks


randnet.test(..., iter, cores)



Matrices or data frames. Semantic networks to be compared against random networks


Numeric. Number of iterations in bootstrap. Defaults to 1000


Number of computer processing cores to use for bootstrapping samples. Defaults to n - 1 total number of cores. Set to any number between 1 and maximum amount of cores on your computer


Returns a matrix containing p-values for the network measures of the input networks against the distribution of equivalent random networks. The last two columns contain the mean ("M.rand") and standard deviation ("SD.rand") of the network measures for the random network distribution


Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>


Viger, F., & Latapy, M. (2016). Efficient and simple generation of random simple connected graphs with prescribed degree sequence. Journal of Complex Networks, 4, 15-37.


# Get openness data
one <- open.clean[which(open.group == "Low"),]
two <- open.clean[which(open.group == "High"),]

# Compute networks
net.one <- CN(one)
net.two <- CN(two)

# Perform random networks test
randnet.test(net.one, net.two, iter = 100, cores = 2)

SemNeT documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 5:06 p.m.