Man pages for ShinyItemAnalysis
Test and Item Analysis via Shiny

AIBSAIBS grant peer review scoring dataset
AnxietyPROMIS Anxiety Scale Dataset
AttitudesExpulsionAttitudes towards the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans...
BFI2BFI2 Dataset
blis2blirtReparametrize fitted BLIS model to IRT
BlisClass-classBLIS S4 class
CLoSEread6Czech Longitudinal Study in Education (CLoSE) - reading in...
coef-BlisClass-methodGet Coefficients from a fitted BLIS model
cronbach_alphaCompute Cronbach alpha with confidence interval
CZmaturaCZmatura dataset
CZmaturaSCZmatura dataset - sample
dataMedicalDichotomous dataset of admission test to medical school
dataMedicalgradedGraded dataset of admission test to medical school
dataMedicalkeyKey of correct answers for dataset of admission test to...
dataMedicaltestDataset of admission test to medical school
DDplotPlot difficulties and discriminations/item validity
delta_sesGet standard errors using delta method approximation
DistractorAnalysisDistractor analysis
EPIAThe Eysenck Personality Inventory Impulsivity Subscale
fa_parallelConduct Parallel Analysis
fit_blisFit Baseline-category Logit Intercept-Slope (BLIS) model on...
gDiscrimCompute generalized item discrimination
get_orig_levelsGet Original Levels from a Fitted BLIS model
ggWrightMapPlot person-item map (Wright map) using 'ggplot2'
GMATDichotomous dataset based on GMAT with the same total score...
HCIHomeostasis Concept Inventory dichotomous dataset
HCIdataHomeostasis concept inventory full dataset
HCIgradsHomeostasis concept inventory dataset of graduate students
HCIkeyKey of correct answers for homeostasis concept inventory...
HCIlongHomeostasis Concept Inventory in a long format
HCIprepostHomeostasis concept inventory pretest and posttest scores
HCItestHomeostasis concept inventory multiple-choice dataset
HCItestretestHomeostasis concept inventory test-retest dataset
HeightInventoryHeight inventory dataset
ICCrestrictedRange-restricted reliability with intra-class correlation
ItemAnalysisCompute traditional item analysis indices
LearningToLearnDichotomous dataset of learning to learn test
MSATBDichotomous dataset of Medical School Admission Test in...
MSclinicalClinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis patients dataset
NIHNIH grant peer review scoring dataset
nominal_to_intTurn nominal (factor) data to integers, keep original levels...
obtain_nrm_defObtain model definition for 'mirt"s nominal model taking in...
plotAdjacentPlot category probabilities of adjacent category logit model
plot_corrCompute and plot an item correlation matrix
plotCumulativePlot cumulative and category probabilities of cumulative...
plotDIFirtPlot item characteristic curve of DIF IRT model
plotDIFLogisticFunction for characteristic curve of 2PL logistic DIF model
plotDistractorAnalysisPlot item distractor analysis
plotMultinomialPlot category probabilities of multinomial model
plot.sia_parallelPlot Method for Parallel Analysis Output
print.blis_coefsPrint method for BLIS coefficients
recode_nrRecognize and recode not-reached responses
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_empty_colsRemove columns that are empty
ShinyItemAnalysis-packageShinyItemAnalysis: Test and Item Analysis via Shiny
startShinyItemAnalysisStart ShinyItemAnalysis application
TestAnxietyCorCorrelation matrix for the test anxiety dataset
theme_appComplete theme for 'ShinyItemAnalysis' graphics
ShinyItemAnalysis documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:08 p.m.