Man pages for SignacX
Cell Type Identification and Discovery from Single Cell Gene Expression Data

CID.entropyNormalized Shannon entropy-based "unclassified" assignment
CID.GetDistMatComputes distance matrix from edge list
CID.IsUniqueExtracts unique elements
CID.LoadDataLoad data file from directory
CID.LoadEdgesLoad edges from edge list for single cell network
CID.LouvainDetects community substructure by Louvain community detection
CID.NormalizeLibrary size normalize
CID.smoothSmoothing function
CID.writeJSONWrites JSON file for SPRING integration
GenerateLabelsGenerates cellular phenotype labels
Genes_Of_InterestGenes of interest for drug discovery / disease biology...
get_colorsGet HEX colors
GetModels_HPCALoads neural network models from GitHub
GetTrainingData_HPCALoads bootstrapped HPCA training data from GitHub
KSoftImputeKNN-based imputation
MASCMixed effect modeling
ModelGeneratorGenerates an ensemble of neural network models.
SaveCountsToH5Save count_matrix.h5 files for SPRING integration
SignacClassification of cellular phenotypes in single cell data
SignacBootGenerates bootstrapped single cell data
SignacFastFast classification of cellular phenotypes
SignacX documentation built on Nov. 18, 2021, 5:07 p.m.