Man pages for SimRepeat
Simulation of Correlated Systems of Equations with Multiple Variable Types

adj_gradConvert Non-Positive-Definite Correlation Matrix to...
calc_betasCalculate Beta Coefficients for Correlated Systems of...
calc_corr_yCalculate Expected Correlation Matrix of Outcomes (Y) for...
calc_corr_yeCalculate Expected Matrix of Correlations between Outcomes...
calc_corr_yxCalculate Expected Matrix of Correlations between Outcomes...
checkparParameter Check for Simulation Functions
corrsysGenerate Correlated Systems of Equations with Ordinal,...
corrsys2Generate Correlated Systems of Equations with Ordinal,...
nonnormsysGenerate Correlated Systems of Equations Containing Normal,...
SimRepeatSimulation of Correlated Systems of Statistical Equations...
summary_sysSummary of Correlated Systems of Variables
SimRepeat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:32 a.m.