Man pages for SoDA
Functions and Examples for "Software for Data Analysis"

binaryRepGenerate Binary Representation in R
chunksAddManage counts of text chunks
DateTime-classClass Union "DateTime"
demoSourceFlexible execution of R source for demonstrations
demoSourceClassClass "demoSource" for objects used with demoSource()...
digestCreate hash function digests for arbitrary R objects
dowNamesDays of the week
dropModelDrop terms from a model
evalTextTurn a text string into an evaluated expression
exampleFilesPath to Files in the Examples Subdirectory
ExamplesExample Files for the book "Software for Data Analysis"
geoDistGeodetic distances from latitude and longitude
geoXYGeodetic coordinates from latitude and longitude
GPSTrack-classClass "GPSTrack"
jitterXYAdd random noise to data based on graphics character size
localRFilesThe R source files in the local directory
mergeSectionsMerge documentation sections
muststopTest for an expression that should result in an error
packageAddAdd contents of R source files to a source package
plot-methodsMethods for Plot and show in the SoDA pacakge
promptAllCreate an outline of documentation for multiple objects
randomGeneratorState-classClass of Objects Representing Random Generator State
randomSlippageAre simulated sequences robust?
recoverHandlerCalling handler for recover
runExampleRun or access example files
scanGPSTrackScan GPS Track Data into a GPSTrack class Object
scanRepeatedRead data with multiple line patterns
showEnvA decent method to show or print enviornments
showLanguageMethods to show the structure of language objects
simulationResultCreate a simulation result, including first and last state
SoDA-packageFunctions and Other Code for the book "Software for Data...
strictOpApply strict conditions to R operators
track-classClass "track" ~~~
trackSpeedCompute interpoint speeds along a track
triDiagonalTridiagonal Matrix Functions
tryRequireError-free test for requiring a package
SoDA documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m.