GPSTrack-class: Class "GPSTrack"

Description Objects from the Class Slots See Also


Objects representing GPS Track information, with separate slots for each of the geodetic coordinates and for time.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("GPSTrack", ...), or read from a typical file by calling scanGPSTRACK().


latitude, longitude, elevation:

Objects of class "numeric" containing the coordinates of points on the track. A valid object requires these to be of the same length and suitable numeric ranges.


Object of class "DateTime"; a valid object must have the same length as the coordinates.

See Also

scanGPSTrack for reading in this data; DateTime, the virtual class for the time information (usually "POSIXct" for the actual times.

SoDA documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m.