Examples: Example Files for the book "Software for Data Analysis"

Description Details Author(s)


The SoDA package has a set of files related to examples in the book. These are all found in the directory "Examples" under the installed version of the package. The files are intended to be edited and used as source to experiment with the examples in the book.


Note that not all the examples shown in the book correspond to an explicit example file. Also, some of the data sets used are not explicitly open-source and so are not included in this package. For example, the mars data exists on the web as an Excel file; you need to export that as a ".csv" file to run the corresponding examples.

To find all the examples, or examples appearing on a page in the book, use exampleFiles.

See runExample to run an example file.


John M. Chambers <jmc@r-project.org>

SoDA documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m.