Man pages for SpaCCr
Spatial Convex Clustering

CNVPlotSeriesMeansPlot subjects' copy number data with cluster means overlayed...
GetClustersCompute Clusters from fusions
GetGammaCVGet optimal cross validated gamma values by various rules
GetParBlocksFunction to compute blocks for parallization; should not be...
helloHello, World!
methyA subset of methylation data for 50 subjects
MethyRegionPlotPlots methylation data by Genomic Coordinates for a given...
PlotCVA function for plotting cross validation errors
SpaCCBase function for computing SpaCC solution for single...
SpaCC_CVPerform Cross Validation to select gamma/sparsity level
SpaCC_MethyPerforms Spatial Convex Clustering for methylation data
SpaCC_MissingSolve Spatial Convex Clustering problem for missing data
SpaCC_PathSolve Spatial Convex Clustering problem for path of...
SpaCC_Path_ParallelSolve Spatial Convex Clustering problem for path of...
ThreshVThreshold differences
SpaCCr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:02 a.m.