Goldenrod: Goldenrod Galls

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Measurements for a sample of goldenrod galls


A data frame with 1055 observations on the following 9 variables.

Gdiam03 Gall diameter in 2003 (in mm)
Stdiam03 Stem diameter in 2003 (in mm)
Wall03 Wall thickness in 2003 (in mm)
Fate03 b=beetle present e=early death f=living fly larva g=living wasp o=pupal case u=unknown
Gdiam04 Gall diameter in 2004 (in mm)
Stdiam04 Stem diameter in 2004 (in mm)
Wall04 Wall thickness in 2003 (in mm)
Fate04 b=beetle present e=early death f=living fly larva g=living wasp o=pupal case u=unknown
Fly04 Fly in 2004? n or y


Biology students collected measurements on goldenrod galls at the Brown Family Environmental Center at Kenyon College.


Thanks to the Kenyon College Department of Biology for sharing these data.

Stat2Data documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:25 a.m.