buildResultsWindow.te: Display the results from time to event analyses

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)

View source: R/buildResultsWindow.te.R


This function builds a window that displays the results from a time to event analysis.





The results output from analyseTime2Effect.


The window displays two objects; a graph which is a kaplan-meier plot generated from the plot.survfit function and Dunnett's table from the glht function in the multcomp package. The Dunnett's table contains the following items:


The levels of the treatment variable that are being compared.


The estimated difference between the levels.

Std. Error

The standard error.

z value

The z value from the standard normal distribution.

P Value

The p-value corresponding to the z value.


The significance flag where "." is a p-value > 0.05, "*" is a 0.01 < p-value <= 0.05, "**" for 0.001 < p-value <= 0.01, and "***" for p-value <= 0.001.

The buttons on the window are:

Save Everything

Creates a folder where the graph is saved as a pdf. In addition, the data set and the Dunnett's table will also be contained in an HTLM file within the folder.

Save Results

Saves the data set used and the Dunnett's table as a HTML file.

Save Graphs Only

Saves the graph as a pdf.


Joe Swintek

StatCharrms documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 5:09 p.m.