
Defines functions get_param_names

#' @title Get a list of STICS xml parameters names an xml_document or  XML node
#' @param xml_object an xml XML::XMLInternalElementNode
#' or SticsRFiles::xml_document object
#' @param param_list param names vector, only used for recursive calls
#' @param full_list TRUE for getting all names, FALSE otherwise (default)
#' @param root_name Only for getting the root node name (file type),
#' useful for filtering unwanted names to be includes in parameters names list
#' for unique names list
#' @return a character vector of parameters names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' xml_path <- file.path(get_examples_path(file_type = "xml"), "sols.xml")
#' sols_doc <- xmldocument(xml_path)
#' get_param_names(sols_doc)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_param_names <- function(xml_object,
                            param_list = c(),
                            parent_name = NULL,
                            parent_sel_attr = NULL,
                            full_list = FALSE,
                            root_name = NULL) {

  xml_node <- NULL
  param_name <- NULL
  tmp_xml_object <- NULL

  if (all(!is.null(c(parent_name, parent_sel_attr)))) {

    if (parent_name %in% c("formalisme", "formalismev", "optionv",
                           "usm", "sol", "variete"))
      tmp_xml_object <- get_nodes(xml_object,
                                 path = paste0("//", parent_name,

    if (is.null(tmp_xml_object)) {
      if (parent_name == "option")
        tmp_xml_object <- get_nodes(xml_object,
                                   path = paste0("//", parent_name,

    # plante: for usms and ini files
    if (is.null(tmp_xml_object)) {
      if (parent_name == "plante")
        tmp_xml_object <- get_nodes(xml_object,
                                   path = paste0("//", parent_name,

    if (is.null(tmp_xml_object)) return()

    xml_object <- tmp_xml_object

    parent_name <- NULL
    parent_sel_attr <- NULL

  # If xml_object converting input argument to an XML node
  if (base::is.element("xml_document", class(xml_object))) {
    xml_node <- XML::xmlRoot(xml_object@content)
    root_name <- XML::xmlName(xml_node)
  } else if (base::is.element("XMLInternalElementNode", class(xml_object))) {
    xml_node <- xml_object

  # Raising an error on xml_node type
  if (base::is.null(xml_node)) {
    stop("The XML object is neither an xml node nor an xml document !")

  node_name <- XML::xmlName(xml_node)

  # getting only one usm node or sol node
  if (node_name %in% c("sols", "usms")) {
    # if ( node_name == "usms" ) {
    xml_node <- XML::xmlChildren(xml_node)[[1]]

  childs <- XML::xmlChildren(xml_node)
  childs_names <- names(childs)

  node_name <- XML::xmlName(xml_node)

  childs_nb <- length(childs)

  attr_name <- "none"

  if (node_name == "formalisme") {
    attr_name <- "nom"

  if (node_name == "option") {
    attr_name <- "nomParam"

  if (node_name == "param") {
    attr_name <- "nom"

  if (node_name == "tv") {
    attr_name <- "nom"

  if (node_name == "optionv") {
    attr_name <- "nom"

  # selecting param names : full for all values
  tab_names <- c("ta_entete", "tableau_entete")
  if (full_list) {
    tab_names <- c("ta", "tableau")

  if (node_name == "colonne" &&
      (XML::xmlName(XML::xmlParent(xml_node)) %in% tab_names)) {
    attr_name <- "nom"

  # Getting param_name from a node name
  # but not in list "plante", "horizon" ,"initialisations", "sol", "usm"
  if (attr_name == "none" &&
      !(node_name %in% c("plante", "horizon", "initialisations", "sol",
                         "usm", "snow"))) {
    param_name <- node_name

  # Getting param_name from an attribute value
  if ((!is.null(parent_name) &&
       node_name != parent_name) ||
      (is.null(parent_name) &&
       attr_name %in% names(XML::xmlAttrs(xml_node)))) {
    param_name <- XML::xmlAttrs(xml_node)[attr_name]

  # Adding the param name to the param names list
  # - if it does not exist
  # - if a full param names list is asked
  if (!base::is.null(param_name) &&
      (full_list || !(param_name %in% param_list))) {
    param_list <- c(param_list, param_name)

  # for a text node, not any childs
  if ((!childs_nb) || (length(childs_names) == 1 && childs_names == "text")) {

  # Loop over childs and recursive call to the function
  for (n in 1:childs_nb) {
    if (!base::is.element("XMLInternalElementNode", class(childs[[n]]))) {
    param_list <- get_param_names(childs[[n]],
                                  parent_name = parent_name,
                                  parent_sel_attr = parent_sel_attr,
                                  full_list = full_list,
                                  root_name = root_name

  names(param_list) <- NULL

  # Filtering unwanted list elements using names
  names_filt <- c(
    "ta_entete", "tableau_entete", "ta", "tableau", "choix",
    "fichierpar", "fichierparamgen", "fichiertec", "fichiersta",
    "initialisations", "fichierplt", "formalisme", "intervention",
    "colonne", "formalismev"

  # Specific to plt file: variete also exists in fichierstec as a parameter
  if (!is.null(root_name) && root_name == "fichierplt")
    names_filt <- c(names_filt, "variete")

  param_list <- setdiff(param_list, names_filt)


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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.