planepoints: Describes planes by points

View source: R/planepoints.R

planepointsR Documentation

Describes planes by points


Gives the coordinates (dec and inc) of three perpendicular directions to describe planes.


planepoints(strike, dip, quadrant = NA, inverted = NA)



strike of the data; it is the angle from the north of the horizontal line of the plane. It is corrected by dipfix().


dip of the data; it is the angle from the horizontal taken on the line of the plane perpendicular to the one of the strike. It is corrected by dipfix().


the quadrant where the plane dips downward. Accepted values are NA, 'N', 'S', 'W' or 'E' (lower- or uppercase alike) for correction by dipfix().


whether the plane is inverted or not. The default is NA, it assumes that no bed is inverted.


The directions are x for dip-direction line (direction of maximum downward dip), y for the horizontal line, z for the upper pole; additionally a magnitude is given to use y as a rotation axis to get the plane back at the horizontal. If the plane is inverted, y, z and mag will be changed, accordingly, with a rotation of 180° around x for y and z.


a list of x, y and z declinations and inclinations (dec and inc), and a rotation magnitude


strike   <- c(-60, 180,20)
dip      <- c(-60,20,-45)
quadrant <- c("N","W",NA)
inverted <- c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)

res <- planepoints(strike,dip,quadrant,inverted)

deci <- c(res$x$dec, res$y$dec, res$z$dec)
inci <- c(res$x$inc, res$y$inc, res$z$inc)


earplanes(strike,dip,quadrant,hsphere = "l")

StratigrapheR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.