restore: Plane correction

View source: R/restore.R

restoreR Documentation

Plane correction


Plane correction : declination and inclination are corrected for planes of given strike, dip, quadrant and inversion


restore(dec, inc, strike, dip, quadrant = NA, inverted = NA, percent = 100)



declination of the data; it is the angle from the north taken on an horizontal plane. It is measured clockwise from North and ranges from 0 to 360° (Tauxe 2010).


inclination of the data; it is the angle from the horizontal, is positive downward, and ranges from +90° for straight down to -90° for straight up (Tauxe, 2010).


strike of the plane used for correction; it is the angle from the north of the horizontal line of the plane. It is corrected by dipfix().


dip of the plane used for correction; it is the angle from the horizontal taken on the line of the plane perpendicular to the one of the strike. It is corrected by dipfix().


the quadrant were the plane dips downward. Accepted values are NA, 'N', 'S', 'W' or 'E' (lower- or uppercase alike) for correction by dipfix().


whether the plane is inverted or not. The default is NA, it assumes that no bed is inverted.


the percentage of correction (can be of length >= 1), by default it is 100 (%), bringing the plane to the horizontal.

See Also

rotate and reposition


dec <- c(90,210)
inc <- c(20,60)

strike <- c(0,120)
dip    <- c(20,60)
inverted <- c(FALSE,TRUE)

res <- restore(dec = dec, inc = inc, strike = strike, dip = dip,
               quadrant = NA, inverted = inverted,
               percent = seq(20,100, by = 20))

earplanes(strike, dip)
earpoints(round(res$dec,2), round(res$inc,2), a = list(pch = 22))

StratigrapheR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.