Man pages for SubpathwayLNCE
Identify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAs Based on ceRNA Theory

envDataThe variables in the environment variable 'envData' of the...
getBackgroundLncGet the background of molecules
getExampleDataGet the environment data
getInteGraphListGet the reconstructed signal pathway graphs
getInteUMGraphGet the reconstructed condition-specific lncRNA-regulated...
getLncGenePairsGet the co-express lncRNA-mRNA interactions
getLocSubGraphLncGet the located signal subpathways
identifyLncGraphWAnnotate and identify subpathways
plotAnnGraphVisualize annotated pathway graphs
plotGraphLVisualize a pathway graph
printGraphWPrint the results of graph annotation and identification
SubpathwayLNCE-internalSubpathwayLNCE internal functions
SubpathwayLNCE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:25 p.m.