
Defines functions fmri_post_hoc

Documented in fmri_post_hoc

#' @title post-hoc process for p values
#' @description This function is used to conduct the post-hoc process (i.e. FDR correction and spatial clustering) for a 3-dimensional p-value array.
#' @param p_val_3d an array which contains the p-values as the result of fMRI statistical tests.
#' @param fdr_corr The default is NULL. Input 'fdr' to conduct FDR correction.
#' @param spatial_cluster.thr The default is NULL. Together with spatial_cluster.size are used to filter contiguous clusters of locations in a 3D array that are below some threshold and with some minimum size.
#' @param spatial_cluster.size The default is NULL. The size of spatial cluster.
#' @param show_comparison The default is FALSE. If TRUE, the output would display the comparison between raw and processed p-values.
#' @param ...  One can specify breaks etc. to modify the comparison histogram in ggplot2.

#' @details
#' The function \code{fmri_post_hoc} would help do the FDR correction and spatial clustering for a 3d p-value array. The FDR correction controls for a low proportion of false positives, while the spatial clustering part help filter out all sparse p-values that are not in specified clusters.
#' @author SOCR team <\url{http://socr.umich.edu/people/}>
#' @return 3D p-values after FDR correction or spatial clustering
#' @export
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @examples 
#' # sample 3D p value provided by the package
#' dim(phase2_pval)
#' \donttest{
#' # do the FDR correction
#' pval_fdr = fmri_post_hoc(phase2_pval, 
#'                          fdr_corr = 'fdr',
#'                          spatial_cluster.thr = NULL,
#'                          spatial_cluster.size = NULL, 
#'                          show_comparison = FALSE)
#' # do the spatial clustering
#' pval_posthoc = fmri_post_hoc(pval_fdr,
#'                              fdr_corr = NULL,
#'                              spatial_cluster.thr = 0.05,
#'                              spatial_cluster.size = 5, 
#'                              show_comparison = FALSE)
#' }

fmri_post_hoc = function(p_val_3d,
                         fdr_corr = NULL,
                         spatial_cluster.thr = NULL,
                         spatial_cluster.size = NULL,
                         show_comparison = FALSE, 
                         ...) {
  cluster.threshold <- function(x, nmat = NULL, level.thr = 0.5, size.thr) {
    ## thresholds an array at level.thr
    ## calculates the number of contiguous clusters and their sizes
    ## answer is an array in which all voxels that are contained clusters of size greater
    ## than or equal to size.thr are 1, otherwise 0.
    ## nmat is a (Kx3) matrix specifying the neighbourhood system
    ## i.e if a row of nmat is (0, 1, -1) then x[10, 10, 10] and x[10, 11, 9] are neighbours
    if(is.null(nmat)) { ## default is 6 adjacent neighbours
      nmat <- expand.grid(-1:1, -1:1, -1:1)
      nmat <- nmat[c(5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23), ]
    res <- .C("cluster_mass",
              mat = as.single(aperm(x, c(3, 2, 1))),
              num.c = integer(1),
              res.c = single(1000 * 6),
              PACKAGE = "TCIU")
    res.c <- matrix(res$res.c, 1000, 6, byrow = TRUE)[1:res$num.c, ]
    mat1 <- array(res$mat, dim = dim(x)[3:1])
    mat1  <-  aperm(mat1, c(3, 2, 1))
    m <- (res.c[, 5] < size.thr) * (1:res$num.c)
    m <- m[m != 0]
    for(i in 1:length(m)) 
      mat1[mat1 == m[i]] <- 0
    mat1 <- 1 * (mat1 > 0)
    dim1 = dim(p_val_3d)[1]
    dim2 = dim(p_val_3d)[2]
    dim3 = dim(p_val_3d)[3]
    p_val_3d_original = p_val_3d
    gg_list = list()
    if (is.null(fdr_corr) == FALSE) {
        dim(p_val_3d) = c(dim1 * dim2 * dim3)
        p_val_3d = p.adjust(p_val_3d, method = fdr_corr, n = length(p_val_3d))
        dim(p_val_3d) = c(dim1, dim2, dim3)
        gg_list[[1]] = fmri_pval_comparison_internal(p_val_3d_original, p_val_3d, names = c("raw p values", "p values after fdr correction"), 
    if (is.null(spatial_cluster.size) == FALSE & is.null(spatial_cluster.thr) == FALSE) {
        spatial_cluster.filter = cluster.threshold(1 - p_val_3d, level.thr = 1 - spatial_cluster.thr, size.thr = spatial_cluster.size)
        p_val_3d = 1 - ((1 - p_val_3d) * spatial_cluster.filter)
        gg_list[[2]] = fmri_pval_comparison_internal(p_val_3d_original, p_val_3d, names = c("raw p values", "p values after post hoc "), 
    if (show_comparison == TRUE) {
        if (length(gg_list) == 2) {
            gridExtra::grid.arrange(gg_list[[1]], gg_list[[2]], nrow = 2)
        } else if (!is.null(gg_list[[1]])) {
        } else if (!is.null(gg_list[[2]])) {

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TCIU documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 5:09 p.m.