Man pages for TDD
Time-Domain Deconvolution of Seismometer Response

ButterPZCalculate Butterworth Filter Poles and Zeros
CalcCornerCalculate Corner Frequencies
COLOCSeismic Data From Co-Located Seismometers
ConvDiffCoefConvert Differential to Difference Eq. Coefficients
ConvolveTraceConvolve Trace with Instrument Response
DeconSeisDeconvolve discrete instrument response from many traces
DeconTraceDeconvolve Instrument Response (Single Trace)
DPZLISTList of Pre-Calculated Discrete Instrument Responses
GetDPZRetrieve Pre-Calculated Discrete Instrument Response
GetPZRetrieve Included Continuous Instrument Response
MakeDPZCalculate Find Digital Match to Analog Poles/Zeros
MakeRespSPCalculate Poles and Zeros of Short-Period Sensor
MatchCoefDPZFind Digital Match to Analog Poles/Zeros
MetropolisMetropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo
OversampleOversample by Nearest-Neighbor Interpolation
PlotRespPlot Instrument Responses
PZ2CoefCalculate Recursive Filter Coefficients
PZ2RespCalculate Instrument Response from Poles/Zeros
PZLISTList of Continuous Instrument Responses
ReadInstrRead IRIS Instrument Response File
TDD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 a.m.