TR8-package | R Documentation |
This package provide a set of functions for extracting traits data for plant species from the following sources:
Biolflor ‘’
Ecological Flora of the British Isles ‘’
LEDA traitbase ‘’
Ellenberg values for Italian Flora
Mycorrhizal intensity database
Package: | TR8 |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 0.9.22 |
Date: | 2020-10-08 |
License: | GPL>=2 |
Depends: | XML, RCurl, plyr, readxl |
The easiest way of using the package is through the
function, which accepts a vector of plant
species names and returns a data frame containg traits data
which have been found in the various sources.
The TR8 name, inspired by "car plates" jokes, was chosen since
it both reminds of the main object of the package and is
extremely short to type.
Gionata Bocci <>
Please always use the following citations any time you use
trait data retrieved with tr8
Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Durka, W. (eds) (2002). BIOLFLOR - Eine Datenbank zu biologisch-ökologischen Merkmalen zur Flora von Deutschland. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde *38*: 1-333. (Bundesamt für. Bonn, Bundesamt für Naturschutz)
Fitter, A . H. and Peat , H. J. (1994). The Ecological Flora Database, J. Ecol., 82, 415-425. ‘’
LEDA traitbase
Kleyer, M., Bekker, R.M., Knevel, I.C., Bakker, J.P, Thompson, K., Sonnenschein, M., Poschlod, P., Van Groenendael, J.M., Klimes, L., Klimesova, J., Klotz, S., Rusch, G.M., Hermy, M., Adriaens, D., Boedeltje, G., Bossuyt, B., Dannemann, A., Endels, P., Götzenberger, L., Hodgson, J.G., Jackel, A-K., Kühn, I., Kunzmann, D., Ozinga, W.A., Römermann, C., Stadler, M., Schlegelmilch, J., Steendam, H.J., Tackenberg, O., Wilmann, B., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Eriksson, O., Garnier, E., Peco, B. (2008). The LEDA Traitbase: A database of life-history traits of Northwest European flora. Journal of Ecology 96: 1266-1274.
Akhmetzhanova et al, 2012
Akhmetzhanova, A.A, Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Onipchenko, V.G., Cornwell, W. K., Agafonov, V. A., Selivanov, I.A., and Cornelissen, J. H. C. (2012): A rediscovered treasure: mycorrhizal intensity database for 3000 vascular plants species across the former Soviet Union. Ecology 93:689. ‘’
Hempel et al, 2013
Hempel, S., Götzenberger, L., Kühn. I., Michalski, S.G., Rillig, M.C., Zobel, M., and Moora, M., 2013. Mycorrhizas in the Central European flora: relationships with plant life history traits and ecology. Ecology 94: 1389-1399.
Pignatti et al., 2005
Pignatti, S., Menegoni, P., Pietrosanti, S. (2005). Biondicazione attraverso le piante vascolari. Valori di indicazione secondo Ellenberg (Zeigerwerte) per le specie della Flora d'Italia. Braun-Blanquetia 39, Camerino, pp. 97.
Julve, P., 1998 ff. - Baseflor. Index botanique, écologique et chorologique de la flore de France. Version : 26 November 2014.
Paula S, Arianoutsou M, Kazanis D, Tavsanoglu Ç, Lloret F, Buhk C, Ojeda F, Luna B, Moreno JM, Rodrigo A, Espelta JM, Palacio S, Fernández-Santos B, Fernandes PM, and Pausas JG. 2009. Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. Ecology 90: 1420.
Paula S. & Pausas J.G. 2013. BROT: a plant trait database for Mediterranean Basin species. Version 2013.06. URL:
Green, W. (2009) USDA PLANTS Compilation, version 1, 09-02-02.
## Not run:
## download some trait data for Abies alba
My_traits<-tr8(species_list=c("Abies alba"),download_list=c("life_form_P"))
## End(Not run)
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