Defines functions FDP

Documented in FDP

#' False discovery proportion (FDP)
#' Computes the FDP based on the estimated and the true regression coefficient vectors.
#' @param beta_hat Estimated regression coefficient vector.
#' @param beta True regression coefficient vector.
#' @param eps Numerical zero.
#' @return False discovery proportion (FDP).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Gauss_data")
#' X <- Gauss_data$X
#' y <- c(Gauss_data$y)
#' beta <- Gauss_data$beta
#' set.seed(1234)
#' res <- trex(X, y)
#' beta_hat <- res$selected_var
#' FDP(beta_hat = beta_hat, beta = beta)
FDP <- function(beta_hat,
                eps = .Machine$double.eps) {
  # Remove all dimension attributes of length one
  beta_hat <- drop(beta_hat)
  beta <- drop(beta)

  # Error control
  if (!is.vector(beta_hat)) {
    stop("'beta_hat' must be a vector.")

  if (!is.numeric(beta_hat)) {
    stop("'beta_hat' only allows numerical values.")

  if (anyNA(beta_hat)) {
    stop("'beta_hat' contains NAs. Please remove or impute them before proceeding.")

  if (!is.vector(drop(beta))) {
    stop("'beta' must be a vector.")

  if (!is.numeric(beta)) {
    stop("'beta' only allows numerical values.")

  if (anyNA(beta)) {
    stop("'beta' contains NAs. Please remove or impute them before proceeding.")

  if (length(beta_hat) != length(beta)) {
    stop("Length of beta_hat does not match length of beta.")

  # Compute FDP
  num_selected_var <- sum(abs(beta_hat) > eps)
  num_false_positives <- sum(abs(beta) < eps & abs(beta_hat) > eps)

  if (num_selected_var == 0) {
    fdp <- 0
  } else {
    fdp <- num_false_positives / num_selected_var


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TRexSelector documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:57 a.m.