zoomplot: Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window

View source: R/plot2script.R

zoomplotR Documentation

Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window


This function allows you to change the x and y ranges of the plot that is currently in the plot window. This has the effect of zooming into a section of the plot, or zooming out (unzooming) to show a larger region than is currently shown.


zoomplot(xlim, ylim=NULL )
oldzoomplot(xlim, ylim=NULL )


xlim, ylim

The new x and y limits of the plot. These can be passed in in any form understood by xy.coords. The range of xlim and ylim are actually used so you can pass in more than 2 points.


This function recreates the current plot in the graphics window but with different xlim, ylim arguments. This gives the effect of zooming or unzooming the plot.

This only works with traditional graphics (not lattice/trellis).

This function is a quick hack that should only be used for quick exploring of data. For any serious work you should create a script with the plotting commands and adjust the xlim and ylim parameters to give the plot that you want.

Only the x and y ranges are changed, the size of the plotting characters and text will stay the same.

The oldzoomplot function is the version that worked for 2.15 and earlier, zoomplot should be used for R 3.0.


This function is run for its side effects and does not return anything meaningful.


For any serious projects it is best to put your code into a script to begin with and edit the original script rather than using this function.

This function works with the standard plot function and some others, but may not work for more complicated plots.

This function depends on the recordPlot function which can change in any version. Therefore this function should not be considered stable.


Greg Snow 538280@gmail.com

See Also

plot.default, par, matplot, plot2script, source



with(iris, plot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Width,
text( 6.5, 1.5, 'test' )
zoomplot( locator(2) ) # now click on 2 points in the plot to zoom in

plot( 1:10, rnorm(10) )
tmp <- rnorm(10,1,3)
lines( (1:10) + 0.5, tmp, col='red' )
zoomplot( c(0,11), range(tmp) )

TeachingDemos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.