
Defines functions CompileLatexDirHW CompileLatexDirEXAM CompileLatexDir

Documented in CompileLatexDir CompileLatexDirEXAM CompileLatexDirHW

# Author Alejandro Gonzalez Recuenco
# e-mail <alejandrogonzalezrecuenco@gmail.com>
# (C) 2023
#### LateX Folder Compilation Codes ####

#' @title Compiling function
#' @description This function calls latexmk, which must be part of the system commands, a directory where tex files are found and outputs their pdf and other things in the pdf.dir.out
#' The functions \code{\link{CompileLatexDirEXAM}} and \code{\link{CompileLatexDirHW}} are identical wrappers of the same function, \code{\link{CompileLatexDir}}. Do not use them, they are just kept for "backwards" compatibility
#' @details Write the tex files relative paths to other files as to be read from the directory in which latex.dir.in is found
#' This function is intended to be use to compile a bunch of files which are stemmed from an original one. That is why the directory
#' @param pdf.dir.out Directory where the pdf output will be sent to
#' @param latex.dir.in Directory where all the tex files are found.
#' @param engine Engine to use when compiling. Currently the options are \code{xelatex}, \code{lualatex}, \code{latex} and \code{pdflatex}
#'        \code{xelatex} is the default value. However, if the value is not recognized, \code{pdflatex} is used instead.
#' @param compile.dir Directory from which compilation is invoked, if not specified, it defaults to the latex.dir.in.
#' @return None
#' @author Alejandro Recuenco \email{alejandrogonzalezrecuenco@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @family Compilation functions
#' @examples
#' input_folder <- system.file(
#'     "extdata",
#'     "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'     package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' TexExamRandomizer::CompileLatexDir(
#'     pdf.dir.out = tempdir(),
#'     engine= "pdf",
#'     latex.dir.in = input_folder,
#'     extracmdoptions = "-C")
#'     # The "-C" option makes sure we simulate we use the command, but the command
#'     # doesnt run compiling the document, it only tries to clean up

CompileLatexDir <- function(pdf.dir.out, latex.dir.in, engine = "xelatex", compile.dir = NULL, extracmdoptions = NULL){

  full_pdf_output_dir <- normalizePath(pdf.dir.out)
  full_tex_input_dir <- normalizePath(latex.dir.in)

  if        (engine == "xelatex")  {
      cmd_option   <- "-xelatex"
  } else if (engine == "lualatex") {
      cmd_option   <- "-lualatex"
  } else if (engine == "latex")    {
      cmd_option   <- "-latex"
  } else                           {
      cmd_option   <- "-pdf"

  # TODO: try to incorporate match.arg to simplify the code here

  cmdarg_outputdir <- sprintf("-outdir=%s", shQuote(full_pdf_output_dir))

  cmdarg_input_tex_files <- shQuote(
      list.files(path = full_tex_input_dir, pattern = "\\.tex$", full.names = T)

  extracmdoptions <- c(cmd_option, extracmdoptions)
  othercmdoption <- "-quiet"

  cmdArgs <- c(cmdarg_outputdir,
  if (is.null(compile.dir)) {
    compile.dir <- latex.dir.in

  owd <- getwd() #Original Working Directory
  if (!is.null(owd)) {
    on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
    #After the on.exit, if it causes an error setwd(owd) is still called, do not place the setwd before the on.exit.
  } else {
    warning("Current working directory is unknown, can't change the compilation directory and return to the same directory afterwards...")

    command = "latexmk",
    args = cmdArgs,
    wait = TRUE

#' @rdname  CompileLatexDir
#' @keywords internal
#' @family Compilation functions
CompileLatexDirEXAM <- function(pdf.dir.out, latex.dir.in, engine = "xelatex", compile.dir = NULL, extracmdoptions = NULL){
  CompileLatexDir(pdf.dir.out, latex.dir.in, engine = engine, compile.dir = compile.dir, extracmdoptions = extracmdoptions)

#' @rdname CompileLatexDir
#' @keywords internal
#' @family Compilation functions
CompileLatexDirHW <- function(pdf.dir.out, latex.dir.in, engine = "xelatex", compile.dir = NULL, extracmdoptions = NULL){
    CompileLatexDir(pdf.dir.out, latex.dir.in, engine = engine, compile.dir = compile.dir, extracmdoptions = extracmdoptions)

Try the TexExamRandomizer package in your browser

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TexExamRandomizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.