
Defines functions BuildTC

Documented in BuildTC

#' Builds a TideCurve model
#' @description Builds a TideCurve model of class "tidecurve".
#' @param dataInput A data frame with the columns observation_date, observation_time and height. See attached data for correct formats.
#' @param otz The time zone of the observations
#' @param km The number of nodes between two consecutive mean moon transits. Shall be less or equal to: round(1440 [min] / time step [min])
#' Example: Time step 5 min: Use km = 288 or even smaller. Leave on default (km = -1) and supply mindt, when unsure.
#' @param mindt Observation time step in [min]. Default is 30.
#' @param asdate A string indication the date you want the analysis to start with. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd".
#' @param astime A string indicating the time you want the analysis to start with. Format: "hh:mm:ss"
#' @param aedate A string indication the date you want the analysis to end with. Format: "yyyy/mm/dd".
#' @param aetime A string indicating the time you want the analysis to end with. Format: "hh:mm:ss".
#' @param keep_data Indicating whether you want to keep the data for computing residuals later. Default is FALSE which keeps the model footprint small.
#' @references \url{https://www.bsh.de/DE/PUBLIKATIONEN/_Anlagen/Downloads/Meer_und_Umwelt/Berichte-des-BSH/Berichte-des-BSH_50_de.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=13/}
#' @references \doi{https://doi.org/10.5194/os-15-1363-2019}
#' @return A model of class tidecurve, which is a list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{BuildTC(dataInput = tideObservation, asdate = "2015/12/06",
#'              astime = "00:00:00", aedate = "2015/12/31",
#'              aetime = "23:30:00")}
BuildTC <- function(dataInput = NULL, otz = 1, astime, asdate, aedate, aetime, km = -1, mindt = 30, keep_data = FALSE){

  nspline <- 7
  chron.origin <- chron(dates. = "1900/01/01",
                        times. = "00:00:00",
                        format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
                        out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"))
  tperiode.m2  <- 360 / 28.9841042373
  tmean.moon   <- tperiode.m2 * 2
  tm24         <- tmean.moon / 24
  tmoon.0      <- as.numeric(chron(dates. = "1949/12/31",
                                   times. = "21:08:00",
                                   format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
                                   out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin)

  if(km == -1){
    km <- round(1440 / mindt)

  tmdm         <- 24.2325 / 1440
  tplus        <- tmoon.0 + tmdm
  tmmh         <- tm24 / km
  tdtobs       <- mindt / 1440
  tdtobsn      <- tdtobs * (nspline - 1)
  tdtobsn.105  <- tdtobsn + 10^-5
  tdtobs.105   <- tdtobs + 10^-5
  otz.24       <- otz / 24
  tmondkm      <- numeric(length = km)

  for (i in 1 : km) {
    tmondkm[i] <- tmmh * (i - 0.5)

  #Reading the data
  height          <- dataInput[["height"]]
  chron.beob      <- chron(dates. = dataInput[["observation_date"]],
                           times. = dataInput[["observation_time"]],
                           format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
                           out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"))

  #computing base values
  diff.days       <- as.numeric((chron.beob - chron.origin) - otz.24)
  length.diffdays <- length(diff.days)
  moona           <- as.numeric(floor((diff.days[1] - tplus) / tm24))
  moone           <- as.numeric(floor((diff.days[length.diffdays] - tplus) / tm24))
  tmmt.numm       <- numeric(length = length(moona:moone))

  for(i in moona : moone){
    tmmt.numm[i] <- i * tm24 + tplus

  #Analysis date and times as chron
  asdate.time <- chron(dates. = asdate,
                       times. = astime,
                       format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
                       out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin - (otz.24)

  aedate.time <- chron(dates. = aedate,
                       times. = aetime,
                       format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s"),
                       out.format = c(dates = "y/m/d", times = "h:m:s")) - chron.origin - (otz.24)

  numma   <- as.numeric(floor((asdate.time - tplus) / tm24))
  numme   <- as.numeric(floor((aedate.time - tplus) / tm24))

  tdiff.analyse    <- numme - numma + 1

  xdesign.matrix <- BuildDesign(tdiffa = tdiff.analyse, numma = numma, numme = numme)
  matrix.cols    <- ncol(xdesign.matrix)

  xa                    <- numeric(length = 7)
  ya                    <- numeric(length = 7)
  ty                    <- numeric()
  data_matrix           <- matrix(0.0, nrow = length.diffdays, ncol = 4)
  colnames(data_matrix) <- c("numm", "imm", "tmmttmond", "height")
  numm                  <- NULL
  floored               <- floor((diff.days - tplus) / tm24)
  tdtobs.2              <- tdtobs / 2
  imm                   <- numeric()
  tmmttmond             <- numeric()
  tmd                   <- numeric()
  dx                    <- numeric()
  ld.3                  <- length.diffdays - 3

  for (ii in 4 : ld.3) {
    ik <- floored[ii]

    if((ik < numma) || (ik > numme)) next

    imm       <- floor((diff.days[ii] - tmmt.numm[ik]) / tmmh) + 1
    tmmttmond <- tmmt.numm[ik] + tmondkm [imm]
    tmd       <- diff.days[ii] - tmmttmond

    if (abs(tmd) > tdtobs.2) next

    insp <- 0
    for (j in (ii - 3) : (ii + 3)){
      insp     <- insp + 1
      xa[insp] <- diff.days[j]
      ya[insp] <- height[j]
    dx       <- xa[insp] - xa[1]

    if(dx > tdtobsn.105) next

    ty                 <- splint(xa, ya, tmmttmond)

    data_matrix[ii, ]  <- c(ik, imm, tmmttmond, ty)

  #Prepare joins on numm for xdesign and design.frame
  # colnames(xdesign.matrix) <- c("numm", paste0("V","", seq(1L : (matrix.cols - 1L))))
  xdesign.matrix           <- data.table(xdesign.matrix, key = "numm")
  data_matrix              <- data.table(data_matrix, key = "numm")

  design.frame     <- data_matrix[(numm >= numma) & (numm <= numme)]
  design.frame     <- xdesign.matrix[design.frame]
  setkey(design.frame, "imm")
  #fit the model using lm.fit
  fitting.coef <- design.frame[,{
    m.h   <- mean(height)
    sd.h  <- 3 * sd(height)
    m_mat <- as.matrix(.SD[(height >= m.h - sd.h) & (height <= m.h + sd.h)])
    as.list(coef(lm.fit(x = m_mat[, !colnames(m_mat) %in% c("height", "numm", "imm", "tmmttmond")],
                        y = m_mat[, "height"])))
  , by = "imm"]

  for(j in seq_len(ncol(fitting.coef))) set(fitting.coef, which(is.na(fitting.coef[[j]])), j, 0)

  fitting.coef <- lapply(split(fitting.coef, by = "imm", keep.by = FALSE), as.matrix)

  if(!keep_data) data_matrix <- NULL
  tc_object                <- list("lm.coeff"      = fitting.coef,
                                 "tdiff.analyse"   = tdiff.analyse,
                                 "km"              = km,
                                 "mindt"           = mindt,
                                 "otz.24"          = otz.24,
                                 "tplus"           = tplus,
                                 "tm24"            = tm24,
                                 "data_matrix"     = data_matrix)

  class(tc_object) <- "tidecurve"


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TideCurves documentation built on June 28, 2021, 5:17 p.m.