
Defines functions print.stslist.modst

## ===========================
## Methods for stsstatd objects
## ===========================

print.stslist.modst <- function(x, digits=2, ...) {

	cat("  [Modal state sequence]\n")
	## x <- NextMethod("print",...)

	cat("\n  [State frequencies]\n")
	print(attr(x,"Frequencies"), digits=digits)

"[.stslist.modst" <- function(x,i,j,drop=FALSE) {
	## Specialized only for column subscript
	## If one column we keep the original data.frame method
	## Otherwise we copy attributes and update "start" value
	if (!missing(i))
		stop("row subscripts not allowed!", call.=FALSE)
	if (!missing(j)) {
		freq <- attr(x,"Frequencies")

		## Applying method
	     x <- NextMethod("[")
		## Adapting frequencies
		attr(x,"Frequencies") <- freq[j]

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TraMineR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.