seqsurv: Generate a survfit object for state survival times.

View source: R/seqsurv.R

seqsurvR Documentation

Generate a survfit object for state survival times.


The function considers the spells in the different states in sequences and fits survival curves for each state. Alternatively, for a selected state, it fits the survival curves for each level of a stratifying group variable.

Survival curves are fitted with the survfit function.


seqsurv(seqdata, groups = NULL, per.state = FALSE, state = NULL,
    with.missing = FALSE)



A sequence stslist object as defined by the seqdef function.


A stratifying group variable of length equal to the number of sequences.


Logical. Should the survival probabilites be computed for the state specified as state argument? If set as TRUE, the state argument must also be specified.


Single state value or a vector. The short name of the state for which to compute survival probabilities. If a vector of state names, survival probabilities are computed for the subset defined by those states. If NULL, survival probabilities are computed for all cases.


Logical. Should the missing state be accounted for? (Not yet implemented!)


The function considers the spells in the different states of a state sequence object (of class stslist).

When per.state = FALSE, it fits survival curves for each state in the alphabet. Currently, per.state = FALSE cannot be used with a non-NULL groups argument. However, seqsplot handles this case.

When per.state = TRUE, the survival curve is fitted only for the state provided as state argument. This is done for each level of the groups variable.

Survival curves are fitted with the survfit function.


An object of class stslist.surv. There is a plot method for such objects.


Matthias Studer, Gilbert Ritschard, Pierre-Alexandre Fonta

See Also

plot.stslist.surv for basic plots of stslist.surv objects and seqsplot for more elaborated plots.


## Defining a sequence object with the data in columns 10 to 25
## (family status from age 15 to 30) in the biofam data set
biofam.lab <- c("Parent", "Left", "Married", "Left+Marr",
                "Child", "Left+Child", "Left+Marr+Child", "Divorced")
biofam.short <- c("P","L","M","LM","C","LC","LMC","D")

sple <- 500:700  ## want a sample with all elements of the alphabet
biofam <- biofam[sple,]

## creating the state sequence object
biofam.seq <- seqdef(biofam[,10:25], alphabet=0:7, states=biofam.short, labels=biofam.lab)

## Spell survival curves
(biofam.surv <- seqsurv(biofam.seq))

## Cohort distinguishing between those born before or after World War II
biofam$wwii <- biofam$birthyr <= 1945

## Separate survival curves in a given state (here LMC "Left+Marr+Child") according to wwii
(biofam.surv <- seqsurv(biofam.seq, groups=biofam$wwii, per.state=TRUE, state="LMC"))

TraMineRextras documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.