Man pages for TreeTools
Create, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic Trees

AddTipAdd a tip to a phylogenetic tree
AncestorEdgeAncestral edge
ApeTimeRead modification time from "ape" Nexus file
ArtificialExtinctionArtificial Extinction
as.multiPhyloConvert object to 'multiPhylo' class
as.NewickWrite a phylogenetic tree in Newick format
brewerBrewer palettes
CharacterInformationCharacter information content
CladeSizesClade sizes
CladisticInfoCladistic information content of a tree
ClusterTableConvert phylogenetic tree to 'ClusterTable'
ClusterTable-methodsS3 methods for 'ClusterTable' objects
CollapseNodeCollapse nodes on a phylogenetic tree
CompatibleSplitsWhich splits are compatible?
ConsensusConstruct consensus trees
ConsensusWithoutReduced consensus, omitting specified taxa
ConstrainedNJConstrained neighbour-joining tree
DescendantEdgesIdentify descendant edges
dot-RandomParentRandom parent vector
DoubleFactorialDouble factorial
doubleFactorialsDouble factorials
DropTipDrop leaves from tree
EdgeAncestryAncestors of an edge
EdgeDistancesDistance between edges
edge_to_splitsEfficiently convert edge matrix to splits
EndSentenceAdd full stop to end of a sentence
EnforceOutgroupGenerate a tree with a specified outgroup
ExtractTaxaExtract taxa from a matrix block
GenerateTreeGenerate pectinate, balanced or random trees
HammingHamming distance between taxa in a phylogenetic dataset
ImposeConstraintForce a tree to match a constraint
is.TreeNumberIs an object a 'TreeNumber' object?
J1IndexRobust universal tree balance index
KeptPathsPaths present in reduced tree
KeptVertsIdentify vertices retained when leaves are dropped
LabelSplitsLabel splits
LeafLabelInterchangeLeaf label interchange
ListAncestorsList ancestors
Lobo.dataData from Zhang et al. 2016
logDoubleFactorialsNatural logarithms of double factorials
MakeTreeBinaryGenerate binary tree by collapsing polytomies
MatchEdgesMatch nodes and edges between trees
match.SplitsSplit matching
MatrixToPhyDatConvert between matrices and 'phyDat' objects
MorphoBankDecodeDecode MorphoBank text
MRCAMost recent common ancestor
MSTEdgesMinimum spanning tree
N1SprNumber of trees one SPR step away
NDescendantsCount descendants for each node in a tree
NewickTreeWrite Newick Tree
NeworderReorder edges of a phylogenetic tree
NJTreeGenerate a neighbour joining tree
NodeDepthDistance of each node from tree exterior
NodeNumbersNumeric index of each node in a tree 'NodeNumbers()' returns...
NodeOrderNumber of edges incident to each node in a tree
NPartitionPairsDistributions of tips consistent with a partition pair
NRootedNumber of trees
nRootedShapesNumber of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
NSplitsNumber of distinct splits
NTipNumber of leaves in a phylogenetic tree
PairwiseDistancesDistances between each pair of trees
PathLengthsCalculate length of paths between each pair of vertices...
PhyToStringConvert between strings and 'phyDat' objects
PolarizeSplitsPolarize splits on a single taxon
print.TreeNumberPrint 'TreeNumber' object
ReadCharactersRead phylogenetic characters from file
ReadMrBayesTreesRead posterior tree sample produced by MrBayes
ReadTntTreeParse TNT Tree
RenumberRenumber a tree's nodes and tips
RenumberTipsRenumber a tree's tips
ReorderReorder tree edges and nodes
RightmostCharacterRightmost character of string
RoguePlotVisualize position of rogue taxa
RootNodeWhich node is a tree's root?
root_on_nodeWrapper for internal C function 'root_on_node()'
RootTreeRoot or unroot a phylogenetic tree
SampleOneQuickly sample
sapply64Apply a function that returns 64-bit integers over a list or...
sort.multiPhyloSort a list of phylogenetic trees
SortTreeSort tree
SpectrumLegendProduce a legend for continuous gradient scales
SplitFrequencyFrequency of splits
SplitInformationPhylogenetic information content of splitting leaves into two...
SplitMatchProbabilityProbability of matching this well
SplitsConvert object to 'Splits'
SplitsInBinaryTreeMaximum splits in an _n_-leaf tree
Stemwardness"Stemwardness" of a leaf
SubsplitSubset of a split on fewer leaves
SubtreeExtract a subtree
SupportColourColour for node support value
TipLabelsExtract tip labels
TipsInSplitsTips contained within splits
TipTimedTreeDisplay time-calibrated tree using tip information only
TopologyOnlyRemove metadata from trees
TotalCopheneticIndexTotal Cophenetic Index
TreeIsRootedIs tree rooted?
TreeNumberUnique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies
TreeShapeInteger representing shape of a tree
TreesMatchingSplitNumber of trees matching a bipartition split
TreesMatchingTreeNumber of trees containing a tree
TrivialSplitsIdentify and remove trivial splits
TrivialTreeGenerate trivial trees
UnquoteRemove quotation marks from a string
UnrootedTreesMatchingSplitNumber of trees consistent with split
UnshiftTreeAdd tree to start of list
WriteTntCharactersWrite morphological character matrix to TNT file
xorExclusive OR operation
TreeTools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m.